• Main Dashboard -- what's missing?
    You should have somewhere the status of the system, or any known issue that you are working on. For example, google cloud wasnt working with cloudberry and it was an issue that you where getting multiple tickets from. You should have an area where you can let all of your partners know, without them having to hunt around the internet or contact support to see if anything is wrong. Would save you some duplicate tickets, as well.
  • Error occurred during backup: You are not authorized to perform selected operation.
    I can confirm that it's working on my end. Thank you! What was the issue?
  • Error occurred during backup: You are not authorized to perform selected operation.
    Thanks for letting me know. I could not find a trace of anyone else having this issue so I thought that I was the only one :). Nothing in the google cloud discussion forums, reddit, or anywhere else.

    By the way, where are you taking the training? I'd be interested in that as well!
  • Error occurred during backup: You are not authorized to perform selected operation.
    Jonathan, I am running into the same issue. Can you update this if you hear from L2 support? I have service accounts with Storage Object admin and also storage admin, and cloudberry suggested recreating the service accounts, which did not help.

    I noticed the stackdriver issue as well. Kind of strange that it would affect the storage api, but I have very limited knowledge of everything that Google cloud compute can do and how things interact.