• How can I have confidence that a cancelled backup has integrity?
    How do you verify the integrity of the backup? Of course, you don't have access to my source files. How do you know that the backup to my system is a backup with integrity?

    I fail to see what is obvious about the fact that I should not be able to delete these files. The task apparently is beyond the capabilities of CloudBerry Explorer, but the removal of this directory should be possible through some means.

    Maybe I have to reformat the drive and destroy all of the other repositories.
  • How can I have confidence that a cancelled backup has integrity?
    In the spirit of confining my discussion to one thread, I would like to understand this issue. I guess the deletion of a corrupt repository is not possible. I am using CloudBerry Explorer in an attempt to remove a repository that was created in a failed backup. The file count of one directory is now up to 960,000 files. I am guessing that this removal through the delete process could take days, or weeks,maybe months.

    Deleting files is simply not a practical process for removing a corrupt repository.
  • How can I have confidence that a cancelled backup has integrity?
    I am being civil.. I own a business. My best customers are the customers that make me aware of problems. Some customers become frustrated or uncomfortable with the honest discussion of problems. When or if the customer walks away, the problem does not get fixed.

    I consider my behavior as necessary feedback to the team that helps to develop this product. Sometimes that feedback is tough to take, but again, I like people that take ownership of users' problems.
  • How can I have confidence that a cancelled backup has integrity?
    I like people that TAKE OWNERSHIP of users' problems. Does that kind of person exist at Cloudberry?
  • How can I have confidence that a cancelled backup has integrity?
    So you are bailing out? If so, I don't blame you. In fact you are not contributing much to this dialog other than denial. If you are not aware of hang conditions, I would suggest that your experience with this software is minimal, either with the lack of SERIOUS TESTING or with inexperience with the product.

    BTW, I tried your "ticket system" before trying this approach. Support is nonexistent in the "ticket system."
  • How can I have confidence that a cancelled backup has integrity?
    SOME OF THE FILES are in the cloud. Is the backup complete?

    I can tell you a problem with the logs. One problem is that the logs are not telling us why the UI hung. Another problem is that the user has no idea about the completion progress of the backup.

    Are you guys seeing the UI hang? It would seem to me that you would have to know, and if you know, how can you let that kind of software reach the end user? That too does not build my confidence that the backup has integrity.
  • Deleting repositories in the Wasabi
    How can I tell if I am on the latest version? I have two different installations of Cloudberry backup for Windows with the same version that have a different user interface.
  • Cloudberry Backup hangs OFTEN!
    Cleaning up the Cloudberry backup mess on the other machine was not as difficult. The backup that hung was only about a 5GB repository. Still it took a couple of hours though. At least it wasn't days to clean up the Cloudberry backup mess. :rage: :rage:

    Each installation of Cloudberry has about 5-8 repositories to backup. So I have resumed creating the initial backup on the second machine. I was able to clean up the mess and complete the backup of the failing repository and move forward.

    However, apparently there is another hang on the second installation. :fear:

    Sometime there is a real hang. Sometimes the UI simply stops updating. So it is not clear if the problem is that the app is hung or if the UI is simply not updating.
  • Cloudberry Backup hangs OFTEN!
    The delete is still counting more files in the directory being deleted. Now I am up to 792,000 files.
  • Cloudberry Backup hangs OFTEN!
    I sent the diagnostic data for one of the installations yesterday morning. By yesterday evening, nobody had responded to me. I had to move forward with my regular tasks. I gave you a full day. I cannot wait around a day for a tech person to get back to me. Doesn't your support staff realize that your customers realize that we have real work to do?

    Now, I am stuck waiting for the delete to complete. There is a directory delete running right now deleting each file individually with CloudBerry Explorer. So far, over 750,000 files are to be deleted and still counting up. I would be better to format the backup drive and redo the entire repository.

    This is a mess!
  • Deleting repositories in the Wasabi
    The problem here is that the Cloudberry app crashes or hangs, A LOT! So when the user has to abort Cloudberry backup and clean up the mess, is the backup corrupt? I have to assume that the backup is corrupt. So how do you delete the corrupt repository? Deleting the repository will hang too! Or deleting a small repository that is 50GB or so can TAKE DAYS!

    I am not impressed with Cloudberry.
  • Deleting repositories in the Wasabi
    I was actually deleting from the "Edit Account" window. That is very SLOW! Is the Backup Storage window faster?
  • Deleting repositories in the Wasabi
    That method appears to be VERY SLOW! In fact you have to wonder if the app is locked up. I see a dialog box saying "Initializing" and nothing seems to happen.