• Remote Assistant deletes Windows Firewall Rules

    I've built myself a workaround.
    Just create a batch file, i.e. AllowRemoteAssistance.bat, and add the following lines:
    ping localhost -n 30
    "C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes\Windows Firewall Control\wfc.exe" -allow "C:\Program Files\Remote Assistant\Remote Assistant.exe"
    Just drop that file in "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp", that's the autostart for all users in Windows 10.
    The ping command is used for a delay of ~30 seconds to ensure everything has been loaded before adding the firewall rules.

    For people who are not using WFC and manage their firewall completely manually, here is a solution for you:
    ping localhost -n 30
    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="RemoteAssistanceInbound" dir=in action=allow program="C:\Program Files\Remote Assistant\Remote Assistant.exe" enable=yes
    netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="RemoteAssistanceOutbound" dir=out action=allow program="C:\Program Files\Remote Assistant\Remote Assistant.exe" enable=yes

    Be aware that netsh-commands need administrative privileges, so dropping that file in autostart might not work with UAC enabled.

    I have to smirk every time when i see the words "implementation of the feature" instead of "fixing the bug".
  • Remote Assistant deletes Windows Firewall Rules

    I just switched off the two options you mentioned. The rules are still getting deleted.
    But if this is a predicted behaviour, why only creating an inbound connection and not an outbound connection? And why deleting manually set firewall rules in the first place? This just doesnt add up, someone just messed things up in this version.
    And i dont think any event logs would help, this is something that is hard-coded into the programm, so a look a the source code is the right way to go, not logs....
    Every reboot i have to manually re-set those firewall rules. If im not physically at the machine at a reboot (windows updates and such) i get locked out. That cant be an expected behaviour.

    "o hand just as a heads up mostly all of the bigger Remote Software complexes do this"
    I'm the admin of multi-national and multi-million-dollar company and every software that tries to fiddle with our security like that will get the boot. To be fair, we are working with hardware firewall appliances in our different networks so changing windows firewall rules would be useless in a our business environment anyway.
  • Remote Assistant deletes Windows Firewall Rules
    No answer why Remote Assistant is deleting firewall rules? That makes your software unusable in a business environment.
    Come on, I thought i was dealing with professionals....