• Programmatically verifying backup location
    We've built an automated process to build and deploy our servers using powershell. We've also started an initiative to peform automated peer review so that we can ensure that our servers are built to spec and that we have no drift from our standards over time. This will include all requisite service installation and configuration (i.e., Cloudberry, etc). We want to ensure that our backup plans are set up properly. We are already looking through the EngineSettings.list file to ensure some program settings are set correctly, but that file doesn't hold any backup plan info. So for now, we've had to use the Cloudberry CLI to get plan details.
  • Programmatically verifying backup location
    I decided to call the
    executable using
    and am saving the output to a string, where I can use the
    operator to ensure that the Backup items listed is appropriately set.

    $ComputerName = "MYSQL01"
    $ScriptBlock = {
        cd "C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup\"
        .\cbb.exe getPlanDetails -n DailyBackupPlan 2>&1
    $Output =  invoke-command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock
    If($Output -like "*Z:\MyBackupFolder\FULL*"){write-host "Good"}else{write-host "Bad"}
  • Cloudberry Backup Ultimate and Powershell
    With the Managed product, are those settings accessible via Powershell? What we are trying to do is to not have to RDP into any machine, but run Powershell Pester checks to validate settings from our desktop workspaces in VS Code or Azure Data Studio.
  • Cloudberry Backup Ultimate and Powershell
    We're moving to the Managed Product soon-ish, but was hoping that in the interim, we could get something that would expose properties like those in the attached screenshot.
    Options (40K)
  • Cloudberry Backup Ultimate and Powershell
    Hi Matt. We're trying to automate our build and peer review process and having to log into each machine to validate settings is a drag. Do you know if making those properties acccessible (at least readable) via Powershell is on the roadmap?