• What's new - Backup for Mac v
    I've asked for this before and will ask again: Please add the ability to delete multiple files and folders from the backup storage browser. I have about 25 folders I want to delete from my backup and it's so slow to have to select each folder, right-click and select delete, click "Yes" to confirm and "OK" when done. Please add the ability to select multiple files and folders, using Command-click to add selections and Shift-click to select a range.
  • How to upgrade
    Thanks, I got the e-mail. I will register for the ticket system.
  • How to upgrade
    I do not see the link for checking for upgrade. Help menu has "Search" and "Feedback". The About dialog has no upgrade link or button. I will use the link you provided.

    I don't have any spam filter, so all e-mail gets through. I never saw the reply to my support request.

    I cannot login to the support system. I used my e-mail address and what I believe to be the correct password (used to get here) and get the message "Invalid e-mail address or password".

    Could you please re-send your support ticket reply and I'll see if I get it. Don't know where the problem is, but communication is definitely broken down. If I don't hear anything, I'll try submitting another issue through the application and include my e-mail address somewhere in the body of the message. Maybe I'm registered under the wrong e-mail.
  • Selecting multiple backup files to delete
    I will try deleting directly in Amazon S3 console and then sync.

    To be clear, I was trying to delete multiple files in the Cloudberry backup browser, not the Mac Finder.
  • Selecting multiple backup files to delete

    That does not work. I tried shift, control, command, option and all combinations with left-click and I still can only select one file at a time.

    Let me ask this: If I go into my Amazon S3 console via the web, and delete the actual backup files, is there any way to "sync" this to what Cloudberry Backup thinks is saved? I assume the backup files are kept in some kind of local database on my Mac.
  • Downloading from backup on S3
    Thanks for the prompt reply! I figured you used some kind of proprietary compression, which is OK. I'm evaluating the Explorer for Windows and it's pretty nice. I just tried pulling a file from the backup and it worked!