• Block-level no longer automatically working with chained image backups. Please help!
    I just wanted to chime in... we have a very similar config to the OP that we use for our clients and have been plagued by this.

    In our case we use Hybrid (local drive + NAS), with the a Cloud/Online incremental block backup job chained to follow.

    An easy workaround that has been 100% successful is to schedule the chained incremental block backup job for some date way in the future. We use Jan 1st 2025. Once we add a schedule to the incremental block backup job it chains correctly and runs incremental instead of a full backup.
  • Optimal Retention Policy for Wasabi
    We had looked at Backblaze B2 however at the time the Synthetic Full Backup was only an option for MSP360 when using AWS or Wasabi. The Synthetic Full Backup is a critical feature do to the limited bandwidth of the internet connection in our geographical area.
    My understanding is Synthetic Full Backup is available for Backblaze B2 in the newer v7 client that is not yet available to MSP360.
  • Optimal Retention Policy for Wasabi
    My company just started testing Wasabi as opposed to AWS S3 storage about two weeks ago, and we are greatly interested in thoughts on this topic as well.

    From the info I have it will depend on what pricing tier you have for what constitutes the 'best practice' settings.

    If you are using the Wasabi 'Pay As You Go' option it has a 90d deletion policy. Any data you delete prior to the 90d since initial upload is billed at the full active storage rate until 90d is up. We underestimated this and had to alter our backup policies as our costs were on track to be quite a bit higher then Amazon S3 costs. Until we can get more of a feel for how this affects us we have changed our full backup policy from every month to every three months.

    If you are big enough >25TB of active storage then you should opt for their Wasabi Reserved Capacity Storage, you get a bit of a discount and they change the deletion policy to 30d as opposed to 90d.

    The company I work for does not have the requirements for >25TB as of right now. I am in talks to see if they would allow a smaller reserved capacity (maybe 5-10TB) if we agree to a longer term.