• Windows XP / "Calling thread cannot access this object" issue - Case#: 00049407
    Real time support was exactly the reason I purchased this product. I can write scheduled backups in my sleep using either old fashioned DOS batch files or S3Express or my old stand by Second Copy. I was looking for a quantum leap forward. How do I get my money back then if Real Time does not work as advertised?
  • Windows XP / "Calling thread cannot access this object" issue - Case#: 00049407
    Unfortunately this mapped drive option is not working as you had suggested, David. I ahev written another post as I am feeling that the real-time monitor of the mapped drives is not working, as it is refusing to back them up. Note the drives are mapped read only.

  • Instant Backup? Real-time plan? Not working on mapped drives from a VMDK
    I should add that the drives from the VM are mapped from a running VM and the VMDK is mapped in read-only mode (VMWare does not allow it otherwise, e.g. it threw an error when I tried).
  • Windows XP / "Calling thread cannot access this object" issue - Case#: 00049407
    I decided to just delete the old plan and add a new one. So far that seems to be running as expected, I am just curious if you can shed light on why perhaps my action of stopping the service sort of created a block in properly starting up again.
  • Windows XP / "Calling thread cannot access this object" issue - Case#: 00049407
    I have been having a few ongoing challenges with a couple issues. First, although solved, by using a "net stop" for the "Cloudberry Backup Service" in my batch file that puts my PC to sleep, is that the check box that I unchecked about "prevent sleep if plan running" (or words to that effect) does not work or real-time plans. If the service is running the system will not sleep when running a real-time plan.

    The second and more important issue I am facing is that the Y: and Z: drives which are how I am sharing the VMDK files from the virtual machine I am interested in backing up, apparently do not backup. The plan backs up some of my host C: drive and selected folder on the Y: and Z: shares.

    I should say that I stopped the plan while it was backing up a rather large folder and modified the plan to NOT backup that folder, and now it seems to not do anything past that former point in the list of folders, I hope my explanation is clear.

    Next, I am watching the real-time plan using the UI, and I made a change to a file on the C: drive and it did not immediately pickup and backup that file, instead the plan sits there and with "Current status: Instant Backup started in X:XX minute(s)". I cannot even find a help topic on what an instant backup is or why I would want one when I want a real-time monitoring solution.
  • Windows XP / "Calling thread cannot access this object" issue - Case#: 00049407
    Thanks for the suggestion of the shared folder, it actually makes sense and will work. Whiny karen complaint is that the installer should have checked Windows version and cautioned, etc. but thanks.