• Connection repeatedly terminated by remote user
    I started using this app yesterday. It worked uninterrupted for about 20 hours.
    I am on my way to a meeting in another town and thought I could leave my other laptop (with all the software for a demo setup and configured) at home and take only one laptop to the meeting.

    Testing it I found that Remote Desktop gives the error: "Connection was terminated by the remote user".
    I tried many times, same error every time.
    I think the software wants to start a remote session on the remote laptop, but the user is already logged in there, so it actually terminates the session that it wants to use. (That, or something like that is what I think anyway).

    So, I went on the remote laptop and signed out of Windows.
    Now the Remote Desktop worked!
    I've tried it many times. It works every time. So, when I close the connection, I first go and sign the current user out of Windows.

    2nd thing I tried after that: I logged in as a different user. Also works every time.

    I know this is a bit late (and longwinded) but I thought I'll just leave my comments here for future users.