• Duration for initial backup?
    Hi David, thanks for your response. I'll try to be thorough in describing the problem. First, a question: After a backup finishes, can I run it again manually to get an incremental backup, or do I have to wait for the next scheduled time?

    1. Here is what happens when I run it manually (by clicking on the arrow): It sends me an email with the results of the previous backup, rather than starting a new one. Here is what is in the log:

    2021-03-13 15:37:29,499729 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Request force run plan "{4f07fc9e-556c-48cc-a917-53ea8574bb70}". Request from id: {17b25f01-805a-402b-970c-e59ef447949f}
    2021-03-13 15:37:29,500091 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Run plan: QUuid({4f07fc9e-556c-48cc-a917-53ea8574bb70}) Softconf Backup
    2021-03-13 15:37:29,501025 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Plan started: QUuid({4f07fc9e-556c-48cc-a917-53ea8574bb70}) Softconf Backup 
    2021-03-13 15:37:29,523658 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] QUuid({4f07fc9e-556c-48cc-a917-53ea8574bb70}) :part:  0.cbl.log: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Rebranding: QMap((AllowCompression, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowConsole, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowEncryption, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowFileSystemAccount, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowRemoteConnection, QVariant(bool, false))(CompanyName, QVariant(QString, CloudBerry Lab))(ContactEmail, QVariant(QString, ))(CopyrightText, QVariant(QString, Copyright 2021 CloudBerry Lab Inc.))(DefaultUseCompression, QVariant(bool, false))(DenyBackupPlanEdit, QVariant(bool, false))(DenyRestoreWizardOpening, QVariant(bool, false))(DenyStorageMenuItemDelete, QVariant(bool, false))(ProductName, QVariant(QString, CloudBerry Backup))(S3Accelerate, QVariant(bool, true))(S3StorageClass, QVariant(QString, STANDARD))(SSE, QVariant(bool, false))(SignUpEnabled, QVariant(bool, false))(WebSite, QVariant(QString, http://www.cloudberrylab.com/))(showS3Accelerate, QVariant(bool, false))(showSIA, QVariant(bool, true))(showSSE, QVariant(bool, true)))
    2021-03-13 15:37:33,518977 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] QUuid({4f07fc9e-556c-48cc-a917-53ea8574bb70}) Softconf Backup : Listing Process:
    2021-03-13 15:37:33,519013 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] 
    2021-03-13 15:37:33,519027 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] End Listing : Status:  QProcess::ExitStatus(NormalExit) code 0

    That is all that happens, aside from getting another report from the first backup.

    2. When I run a restore plan, I get similar behavior: The console pauses for a moment and returns with the status "Never Run". Meanwhile the log has this:

    2021-03-13 15:33:12,678559 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Request force run plan "{7868628f-4d9d-416b-afef-a6cf883a7e28}". Request from id: {f164ae0f-3f40-4642-9f32-9a43d81c528d}
    2021-03-13 15:33:12,678938 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Run plan: QUuid({7868628f-4d9d-416b-afef-a6cf883a7e28}) Restore plan on 3/13/21 3:28 PM
    2021-03-13 15:33:12,679629 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] Plan started: QUuid({7868628f-4d9d-416b-afef-a6cf883a7e28}) Restore plan on 3/13/21 3:28 PM 
    2021-03-13 15:33:12,701246 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] QUuid({7868628f-4d9d-416b-afef-a6cf883a7e28}) :part:  0.cbl.log: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Rebranding: QMap((AllowCompression, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowConsole, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowEncryption, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowFileSystemAccount, QVariant(bool, true))(AllowRemoteConnection, QVariant(bool, false))(CompanyName, QVariant(QString, CloudBerry Lab))(ContactEmail, QVariant(QString, ))(CopyrightText, QVariant(QString, Copyright 2021 CloudBerry Lab Inc.))(DefaultUseCompression, QVariant(bool, false))(DenyBackupPlanEdit, QVariant(bool, false))(DenyRestoreWizardOpening, QVariant(bool, false))(DenyStorageMenuItemDelete, QVariant(bool, false))(ProductName, QVariant(QString, CloudBerry Backup))(S3Accelerate, QVariant(bool, true))(S3StorageClass, QVariant(QString, STANDARD))(SSE, QVariant(bool, false))(SignUpEnabled, QVariant(bool, false))(WebSite, QVariant(QString, http://www.cloudberrylab.com/))(showS3Accelerate, QVariant(bool, false))(showSIA, QVariant(bool, true))(showSSE, QVariant(bool, true)))
    2021-03-13 15:33:16,919322 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] QUuid({7868628f-4d9d-416b-afef-a6cf883a7e28}) Restore plan on 3/13/21 3:28 PM : Listing Process:
    2021-03-13 15:33:16,919358 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] 
    2021-03-13 15:33:16,919371 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] End Listing : Status:  QProcess::ExitStatus(NormalExit) code 0
    2021-03-13 15:33:16,920248 [ERROR]: [ CBB ] [ 8 ] PlanFinishedReport: planId: {7868628f-4d9d-416b-afef-a6cf883a7e28} << planName: Restore plan on 3/13/21 3:28 PM error

    I checked the storage bucket on S3, and there are objects corresponding to all the data I am trying to restore. Can you tell me what I did wrong?

  • Duration for initial backup?

    After 5 days of running, the first backup completed. I tried restoring a few files from the backup, which worked fine. The last step in my evaluation was to re-run the backup plan, to determine how long the incremental backup would take.

    However, after "thinking" for about 30 seconds, it came back with a "failed" status, and re-sent the email from the first backup, done 1 hour previously, which reads "Your backup plan Backup completed with warnings, please see below for more details. The report indicates that some files could not be backed up, because they had root permission only. And for this reason, the status was set to "FAIL" on the entire backup, which is preventing another backup with the same plan. Is there any way to resolve this problem? After five days of waiting, it is rather disappointing that the backup cannot be used as a reference for future backups, solely because some files were unreadable.
  • Duration for initial backup?
    Thanks. We are a service provider, but the service has nothing to do with reselling internet services from other companies to consumers. We just need server backups for single Linux machines. If a client needs something from backup, we restore it for him. So the stand-alone license (or several of them) is fine. For what it's worth, the sales person told me that, in fact, if you get referred from Backblaze then you are limited to B2.

    Anyway, I am currently backing up to S3, and it's going at the rate of 500KB/sec. So it will take another few days, but that is OK for the first reference backup. My main concern the duration of time required to restore. I suppose the slow backup is partially due to building index structures in the database, so that it's easy to find files to restore. I have tried to use Duplicity for this, but it takes forever to load the directory structure, and then 5 minutes just to open /var. Even in the CLI it requires the same amount of time. I have previously used the SolarWinds backup system for this, and it is really fast. But it would be outrageously expensive to pay the egress fees at AWS for that. Hence my interest in Cloudberry.

  • Duration for initial backup?
    Thanks, David. The problem was when I set up my account, I landed on your page via a link from Backblaze. According to support, that is an affiliate agreement - if you are referred from Backblaze you only have the option of using B2. It caused a lot of confusion, which I solved by installing a stand-alone version with a different username. So I'm good now, at least for testing. Thanks for all your help. Rich.
  • Duration for initial backup?
    Thanks David. Even on a Sunday! I have one last question. From my experimentation yesterday, I learned the hard way that since I am on AWS, backing to Backblaze will be very expensive. So I tried to add S3 as a provider, but the storage account manager will only allow adding buckets at Backblaze (and local filesystem storage). Is there a way to add other providers? Thanks.
  • Duration for initial backup?
    I finally figured it out. I had to add a new user, and then associate him with the Backblaze account. Then I could login via port 43211 on my server, and finally was able to select the cloud backup location.
  • Duration for initial backup?
    Thanks, David.

    I have been trying, without success, to launch a backup plan. I will go through the steps I used to get there. I can't figure out what is going wrong.

    Adding a storage account:sew6qatvrzrhfufg.png

    Need to add user: y5ow5uc8a00prb52.png

    User added: xvfld7nwh2cjt8r3.png

    Now, from remote management, try to add backup plan: io7zs8tb71oqeinl.png

    Creating backup plan, but destinations are not selectable. hwmxrpl82sx8h3oi.png

    Anyway, try to run the backup, which results in failure: 6ykj303l23ttcr7y.png

    I realize I am doing something wrong, but I can't determine what it is. I need to go through a simple test backup and restore before I can put this product into production on my various servers. I am usually pretty good at setting up software, but this seems to be particularly challenging.
  • Duration for initial backup?
    I checked with support, and after viewing the logs, they said that I had not correlated the server's backup agent with the backup storage selected with my storage account. And hence my error. The only option provided in the server's backup manager is the "File System". No cloud source is available. And yet this is what is in my account: q63vsv58jw25l70n.png

    This backup location is unknown to the Cloudberry agent on my server. So what am I doing wrong?

  • Duration for initial backup?
    David, I have another question. The initial reference backup is still running, which may be expected with the first backup of 7,000,000 files. But when it started a few days ago, the 1Terabyte partition was about 50% used, of which 45% of that was in the backup plan.

    The backup is using the same partition for its temporary storage before uploading to the cloud. The problem is that it's now up to 79% used, and the backup is not nearly over. I am afraid I will run out of space before it is finished.

    In mid-backup, is there any way to force Cloudberry to start uploading to the cloud, and release that temporary storage? Or more generally, is there a way to set the maximum temporary storage amount in the CLI on linux. (I saw something to that effect for Windows, but I am working in a server environment.)

  • Duration for initial backup?
    OK, thanks for the info. I am working in a server environment with CLI only, so I will try to find the relevant setting - but not until the initial reference backup is finished. I don't want to mess with anything while it's in progress.

    Thanks, RIch
  • Duration for initial backup?
    BTW, I couldn't find much documentation on installing the product from bash in Linux, until I came across the excellent instructions provided by the Average Linux User here: Cloudberry Backup for Linux Server . You should probably link to this somewhere on product pages, since it is very useful to Linux people, and I found it invaluable.
  • Duration for initial backup?
    I really appreciate the quick response. I just started with MSP yesterday, and was not aware that I could set the thread count. I suppose I am using the default configuration, which is:

    config/.default_settings.conf:MinThreadCount : 10
    config/.default_settings.conf:MultiThread threads count : 5
    config/.default_settings.conf:MultiThread memory usage : 104857600

    Would you suggest changing those numbers? And FYI, I am comfortable with the initial backup taking a few days, as long as the subsequent daily backups are faster. If I recall from the Solar Winds MXP product I used, only about 6GBytes were processed daily, most of which consisted of binary database files, which cannot be compressed.

    I like the product and will definitely buy the "ultimate" subscription, as long as file restore works the way I expect it to.

  • Duration for initial backup?
    I should add that the file system contains over 5,000,000 files, many of them in pdf and txt format. I see that under the cloudberry directory /CBB_z.softconf.com, so far hundreds of thousands of subdirectories have been created, each one corresponding to one of the 5,000,000 files. So I assume that all of the files have to be individually encrypted and compressed, and then a directory is created for each.

    Is this the cause of the slowness, and is there anything that can be done to speed up the process? I need the ability for single file restoration, so backing up an image of the filesystem isn't the solution for me. (We already have snapshots done with AWS)

  • Duration for initial backup?
    David, thanks for your response. The backup is now running slower, at 471.54KB/s, according to the web monitor application. Many of the files are, indeed small, some very small like log files and the like, but the progress should still be better.



    This Amazon instance is m5ad.2xlarge, with 8 vCPUs (AMD EPYC 7000), 32Gbyte memory and NVMe SSD storage. Here is the view from htop:



    As you can see, the backup software is basically the only significant running process.

    Can you suggest anything that would help?
