• An error occurred while attempting to purge data on backup storage
    We have had this issue as well. Wasabi storage with compliance mode.
    We had compliance mode set to X months and backup plans set to purge old data at X+1months, but still getting purge errors.
    I had to turn off compliance mode, re run backup, then turn it back on, which fixed some of them. But still having the issue.
    Any of you fix this or find a solution?
  • Hyper-V Backups - Checkpoints
    I am now having this issue with 2 of our client machines as well. I will be opening a support ticket on it .
  • Managed Backup couldn't installed WS2012R2
    Did anyone here ever get that figured out? I am also trying to run msp360 installer on a Server 2012 R2 and getting the exact same error. It is running from local disk, no antivirus on this machine.
  • Understanding of Full backups
    Thank you for the explanation and clearing this up. I believe I have the answer I need to our concerns.
  • Understanding of Full backups
    Thank you for the explanation. You cleared up quite a bit.
    However, I still need to be able to leave my retention on some backups for different reasons. Instead of having Wasabi delete the files after 6 months, that bit can be turned off and it allows them to be deleted through external measures after it's 6 months age is up, meaning I can utilize deletion/versioning through your program as you've said. What happens after 6 months?

    Say I have my 6 month retention locked in Wasabi(no deletion options) and within MSP 360 I have retention settings to delete file versions after they're 6 months and 1 week old? Is a new full backup performed to renew the chain?