• Automated test restores
    Restore verification for image backup is great but I can't restore a singe file from an image backup for a customer so it isn't the best backup format for a lot of cases. We need restore verification of some kind for all backup formats.
  • Automated test restores
    I will be sticking with the old backup format for now. I tried the new format and it made my customers Wasabi bill skyrocket even with the bare minimum retention. I don't mind setting scheduled restores but I don't want to restore the same file every time. Right now we do a handful of random files with different extensions. But that is VERY time consuming. I am looking for a way to cut down on time.
  • Automated test restores
    I would also like to know how to do test restores. I am also logging into each customers account to do a restore. I would like to have a random file restore. Like one .doc one .jpg, etc.