• E-Mail Notification after backup - Feature is missing
    Hello ,

    We removed this step because it is misleading, as these notifications refer to the user account that is logged on to the client. One important thing, you must allow your users to receive the notification emails because without this option these notification won't be send to your clients. You can configure this at the User Plan Report page in the MBS portal. If you need to set notifications via E-Mail, it's still available while creating a plan in the MBS portal.
  • Amazon drive soon no longer supported?
    Hello ,

    Since our goal is to provide customers with an efficient backup solution. Basing on this, we decided to discontinue the support of consumer-grade cloud storage in our products.
    Please refer to this article if you want to learn more about the reasons for this decision.

    I recommend you use more appropriate storage for backup purposes.

    Thank you!
  • How to use cloudberry drive
    Hello ,

    please click onto the MSP360(CloudBerry) Drive tray icon, then Mapped Drives. Here you can find a list of created drives that you can mount/unmount and explore.
    If you won't find your drives on that list please let us know.
  • Issues with Catalina, the new macOS version.
    Hello ,

    I guess you got this due to a permission issue. Please click onto the Feedback button, fill the form (paste a link to this discussion into the description field) and send it to us. We will take a closer look at this issue and provide you with a solution.

    Thank you!
  • .NET HttpClient issues
    Hello ,

    shorten up the time connections "wait" before Windows really, really closes them. To do this, add the following HEX/DWORD entry to the local registry of your client system. By default, the implicit value is "120", which means a time out of 2 minutes. You can pick a value of TcpTimedWaitDelay down to "1", but a higher value is recommended.
    HKEY_LM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30 (decimal)

    I'm not sure that this affects CLOSE_WAIT, because the official Microsoft documentation says that the TcpTimedWaitDelay value determines the length of time that a connection stays in the TIME_WAIT state when being closed! But let's give it a try!

    Could you please send us diagnostic information from that machine? Please click onto the tray icon, select Diagnostics, fill the form and past a link to that conversation.
  • Case-sensitive S3 folders versus Windows non case-sensitive
    Hello ,

    The easiest way to avoid this problem is to rename one of these folders using our CloudBerry Explorer.

    Answering your questions: a remount operation usually takes a few seconds. You can do as David suggested or rename folders. In both cases, this will help you with this situation.

    Thank you!
  • Can alerts be configured differently for different types of devices?
    Hello ,

    Thank you for your question!
    Unfortunately, no. We do have scheduled reports, e.g. Group Report, Overdue Report and etc. In this way, you can receive reports as often as necessary. We also have a backup history report that graphically shows information about backup during the period.
  • Restore of backup also includes empty Deleted Folders Still in new version 6.1 !!!!
    Hello ,

    Thank you for letting us know. Could you please send to us diagnostic information?
    Please go to Tools->Diagnostic, fill the form and insert a link to this discussion in the description field. We will contact you as soon as possible!
    Thank you for your help!
  • Missing Network Share Option

    Thank you for your questions! It looks like you're using CloudBerry Drive Desktop Edition. Could you tell me which edition you are using? The option "allow access from other computers via a network share available", available only in the server edition.
  • Hyper-V Backup and Exchange
    Thank you for your question!
    In this case, the Exchange logs won't be truncated. I suggest you evaluate our backup solution that designed especially for the MS Exchange - https://www.cloudberrylab.com/backup/windows/exchange.aspx
  • The provider returned an unexpected error code
    Hello Jose,
    To find the cause of it we need diagnostics logs from that machine. Please send the logs to our support. We glad to help you with this issue! Thank you!
  • Files smaller than 1 MB are skipped by block-level backup
    Hello, thank you for your question!
    This means that if the file is less than 1 MB, CloudBerry will back up the entire file. In other words, the block level option only works for files larger than 1 MB.
  • ERROR - Unable to cast object of type 'System .String' to type 'System.Windows.Media.ImageSource'.
    It seems like a known issue. It doesn't really affect anything but to be sure, please, send the diagnostic information to support so we can look into this issue and find the cause. Please go to Tools->Diagnostic and paste a link to this forum post in the description field.
    Thank you!
  • JWT error in image backup
    Hello ,

    This error occurs often when your computer clock is not synchronized properly. Cloud storage provider returns an error code if the request doesn't come in a certain time period. Please refer to this article for more details - https://kb.cloudberrylab.com/standalone-backup/bootable-usb/you-computer-clock-is-not-synchronized

    Also, you can check your date and time settings in the Control Panel.

    Thank you for your question!
  • Ransomware Feature
    we decided to suspend the ransomware detection feature for new backup plans, due to a large number of false positives calls. Sorry for that inconvenience.
    Thank you for your question!
  • Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown.

    This error might be caused by the lack of RAM to perform the backup. In this case, I'd recommend you to restart the server and try to run the backup in non-working hours when a server is not heavy loaded. Also, you can set memory limits on the memory option tab.