• Removing Data from Wasabi Backup
    Hello David,

    I have a follow-up question. On Wasabi we seem to have two backup folders listed for the same computer. What might have happened was that during the initial setup of a replacement computer, the machine had not yet been named, so there is a computer with a default "Desktop-x" name and a computer with the correct name.
    In this scenario, how would you be sure which folder is the active one? Drilling down beneath the "CBB_Configuration" folder there are subfolders with dates, but these are all from late last year.
  • Block-level no longer automatically working with chained image backups. Please help!
    I think that we are being impacted by this issue too. All backups appear to back up much too much data and thereby take too much time and consume too much bandwidth. They don't appear to be running as block-level backups, as they are scheduled to run. Is there an update concerning a fix for this issue that does not involve the amount of time that the work-arounds appear to take? We have a fair number of computers being backed up. Most utilize local backups followed by chained local and off-site backups. Not running as block-level causes quite a few issues. Thanks.
  • Removing Data from Wasabi Backup
    Our situation is the second option you mentioned. Thank you for your help!
  • Restore Backup of Physical Machine to VM using MSP360 and VMware ESXi
    I see. Is there a workaround for this? We hoped to use the free version since we would plan to use this option typically in emergency situations. Currently, we are just trying to establish what our options are with MSP360 VM restore.
    Thank you!
  • Release notes
    I too think that it would be beneficial to have release notes for each update.
  • How to Ensure Local Backups While Cloud Backup Runs
    Sorry for the confusion. We aren't using hybrid backup plans. We have a cloud and a local plan running separate from each other.
    I had presumed that a local and a cloud backup plan running on the same machine could not run at the same time. Am I wrong about that? I thought this because I had observed that if (for instance) the cloud backup plan was running while the local plan was scheduled to start, the local backup would quickly fail with the error message "Another disk image plan is running."
  • Training for New MSP360 Users

    Thank you for this information. We are already underway and successfully using MSP360. But we would like to have additional training and certification options for technicians. Do you all have any other training or certification options for a company in our position?
  • MSP360 on Linux CentOS 7.4
    One of the machines we are using MSP360 Linux to back up runs Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS. We are having trouble backing up to our local NAS. Is there an issue with Ubuntu computers backing up to local NAS devices? We were able to start backing up to our cloud storage without a hitch.
    Thank you for your assistance!
  • MSP360 on Linux CentOS 7.4
    Thank you. Are there any other best practices or recommendations in regards to MSP360 Managed Backup of Linux servers and/or workstations? We are not very familiar yet with MSP360 used with Linux, and are not as familiar with Linux as we are with Windows.
  • Backup Plan Scheduling Issues
    That's right, they are image backups.
    I have just opened up a support case and sent the logs from the device in question.

    Thank you for checking on that, I would be very interested to know if that is a viable solution.
  • Backup Plan Scheduling Issues
    Thank you, I'll look into that.

    I have another question about backup chaining. If backup plan A is scheduled to run a full backup once every two weeks and every other day runs an incremental backup, and backup plan B has no schedule and is only triggered by backup A, how can backup B be told to run periodic full backups? Will backup B run a full backup because backup A was scheduled to do so? I just want to make sure that using backup chaining doesn't mean that I'm setting up one of my backup plans to never run full backups.
    Thank you for all of your help so far!
  • Backup Storage Question
    Would you say the same for Image Based backups?
  • Backup Plan Scheduling Issues
    On that particular network, about three machines are running synthetic backups, all at the same time. However, the machine in question has by far the largest amount of data. We are using Wasabi for our cloud storage, and the upstream bandwidth on this machine is 11 Mbps.
  • Backup Storage Question
    Thank you. In your opinion, do you think doing full backups only monthly is adequate?
  • Licensing Question
    I see. Thank you for your help!
  • Licensing Question
    Ah, I see it now. I was logged in as the wrong user.
    So if "Automatic exchange of expired license with available" is checked, there shouldn't be any danger of our backups being interrupted by licenses expiring?
  • Licensing Question
    Thank you for your response David. However, under Settings on the Management Console, I don't see a General tab.
  • Local Backup Warning
    This issue actually turned out to be a bit more involved, but CloudBerry support was able to help us solve it.
    Thank you for the helpful responses!