• Consistency Check vs Synchronize Repository
    So if I understand correctly, they both ultimately achieve the same thing: making the local repository reflect what is actually in storage? The difference being that "synchronize" deletes everything from the local repository first then rebuilds it, whereas "consistency check" compares it "as is" and only updates the local repository where needed. Is that right?
  • How to add multiple folders from CLI?
    Ah, ok, yes, that looks to work, thanks
  • How to add multiple folders from CLI?
    I was looking at that, but can’t see any examples of backing up multiple directories. It says the “-iem” and “-efm” parameters take multiple values separated by a semi-colon, but as I say, I haven’t found how to do similar for “-d”
  • How to add multiple folders from CLI?
    To clarify my example above, I pasted the wrong one, but I've tried:

    Both paths separated by a semi-colon within one set of quotes - fails because it says the path doesn't exist:
    C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup>cbb addBackupPlan -a "tst-local" -n "tst-local-3" -d "c:\folder_1; c:\folder_2"
    CloudBerry Backup Desktop Edition Command Line Interface started
    WARNING: Cannot add file or folder 'c:\folder_1; c:\folder_2'. Path doesn't exist
    Backup plan is created.

    A separate set of quotes for each path (the example in my first post). It does create a plan, but only with the first path:
    C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup>cbb addBackupPlan -a "tst-local" -n "tst-local-3" -d "c:\folder_1"; "c:\folder_2"
    CloudBerry Backup Desktop Edition Command Line Interface started
    Backup plan is created.
    C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup>cbb getPlanDetails -n "tst-local-3"
    CloudBerry Backup Desktop Edition Command Line Interface started
    Name: tst-local-3
    ID: 40c30766-d768-4d40-8826-44f5100aaf11
    Connection: tst-local (4c81fb52-a3c8-478e-a827-0779bf461623) (ID= 4c81fb52-a3c8-478e-a827-0779bf461623)
    Simple backup mode: False
    Force using VSS: True
    Use system VSS provider: False
    Use fast NTFS scan: True
    Use block-level backup: False
    Backup items:
    Backup filter type: All
    Back up system and hidden files: False
    Compress files: True
    Use encryption: False
    Storage class: STANDARD
    Backup schedule: False
    Backup force full schedule: False
    Notification options
            SendNotification: No
    Windows Event log options
            Add entry to &Windows Event Log when plan completes: No
  • Change Legacy File Backup to only purge
    OK thanks, yeah I can manage it manually if necessary
  • Several general questions forum protocol
    Just registering another vote for a Raspeberry Pi option (or even better, update and reinstate the Synology NAS version)
  • Retention Policy help needed
    If anyone else is struggling with this, I've since found this article gives a good explanation: Tips from Steve: Delay Purge – What Is It and Should I Use It?.

    Thanks for your help, I appreciate it
  • Retention Policy help needed
    I don't seem to have any tool tips, but never mind. I'm sorry if I'm being stupid, but I'm missing something here, I'm afraid I still don't understand. To be clear, I was asking what the "Delay purge" setting does, and you said:
    files get deleted on storage side after X days after they were deleted on sourceMatt
    But isn't that what the "Delete files that have been deleted locally" setting is for?
  • Retention Policy help needed
    Thanks, that's very useful.

    Would you mind explaining what the "Delay purge for xxx" setting does?

    If I started a hybrid backup now with those settings and then set the "delete files that have been deleted locally" at whatever point in the future it becomes available, would it still take full effect?