• Management Website Feedback Function
    It should be back if you hid it that long ago. If you have a popup blocker, try disabling it or using a different browser as a test.
  • Management Website Feedback Function
    if you clicked remind me later it doesn't come back for a week. If you closed it, it should be back the next day. Unfortunately there's no way to directly re-enable it. There's going to be a new help option added to bring it up but it's not in place yet. I suppose you could try clearing your browser cache and cookies for the website and see if that helps. But I haven't tested that.
  • Delay purge doesn't seem to be working
    Like I said, depending on the number of backups you already have in storage, it may take 120 days before the first 30 days (Full + Incrementals) are removed. But that will ensure, once you hit that mark, you always have a minimum of 90 days of backups for restore. I will still plan to reply tomorrow once I have some confirmation with the team on Hyper-V retention. Thanks.
  • RIP Free unattended access
    If you have trouble. click on Inbox, Start a New Conversation, and type in my name.
  • RIP Free unattended access
    I understand what you are saying.
  • Delay purge doesn't seem to be working
    If you want to keep backups for 90 days, then I would set Delete Versions Older than 90 Days. I think that would do it. Now you'll end up with 120 Days of backups before the oldest backup set can be removed - returning what's in backup storage to 90 days. I think you can leave the Number of Versions option unchecked, but I am checking with the team to make sure I've got it right. I'll reply back tomorrow with confirmation.

    In the meantime, you'll need to set something if you stop using the default options - your screenshot doesn't show any retention options set when overriding. Or return to the default options until tomorrow.
  • Delay purge doesn't seem to be working
    those retention options look like they're in the Options dialog. I guess what you're saying is you opened up the default retention options from the wizard, is that correct? If that's the case, my recommendation is still to set your retention in the backup plan and not rely on default options. So can you set the options in the backup plan itself, and then post the new screenshot so I can make sure that they match up exactly with what you posted above?
  • RIP Free unattended access
    What you're seeing is actually an implementation mistake. I'm speaking to the team now about addressing it for the next release. You should be able to use Pro from multiple endpoints to connect to other endpoints that you're managing in unattended fashion.

    To get you going in the interim, go ahead and DM me your contact information and also your current license number (please do not post this information directly on the forum) and I can have the team get you some additional licenses until the problem is addressed.
  • Delay purge doesn't seem to be working
    also the delay purge is not really a setting to use for retention. It's more a safeguard for delaying the actual deletion of backup data for a period of time. If you want to keep backups for 90 days you should keep them for 90 days regardless of the delay purge setting. But let's have a look at your retention settings for that hyper-v backup plan first and take it from there.
  • Delay purge doesn't seem to be working
    Can you first verify what the retention policy is in the backup plan? I would not rely on using default options for retention as they can be easily changed and would affect all backup plans. I always recommend setting them explicitly in your backup plan.
  • Backup retention isn't deleting old backups from 3 years ago. How do I remove these?
    It’s also possible the option to delete backups is disabled in agent options in the management console.
  • Backup retention isn't deleting old backups from 3 years ago. How do I remove these?
    If they are image backups, you can only delete the full from each set. You cannot delete an incremental backup. Can you verify you do not see a delete option on any of the full backups?
  • Non-Profit
    DM me your name and contact email, location, and phone, and I'll have someone reach out to you. Thanks
  • Retention Policy Problem with V7
    Looks like this is addressed in 7.5.1. No release date yet, but it should be soon. Support should reach out from the support case. In any case, the changes to 7.5.0 should have deleted the original set the next day (1 day delayed from what was expected), so your issue should have been temporary. Needless to say, it has been addressed internally.
  • RIP Free unattended access
    I’m checking on the actual license implementation. I’ll get back to you by tomorrow.
  • RIP Free unattended access
    As long as you have Pro installed and licensed on all the PCs you should be able to use unattended access from any of them. Please reach out to support if you're having trouble and they should be able to resolve your issues.
  • RIP Free unattended access
    Would you and / or the racetrack support a Connect Pro subscription?
  • Is MFA available with the setup of a Storage Account: Amazon S3?
    I do not believe we support passing MFA requests from AWS S3 accounts into Drive. I'd recommend you work with Support on options. There used to be an MFA option in the product, but I'm not sure if it's for what you need. Support can clarify.
  • Backup Error Message
    I’d still recommend you open a support case and let them know what you were seeing.
  • Is MFA available with the setup of a Storage Account: Amazon S3?
    That sounds like a permissions issue on the AWS side. I’d recommend you open a support case. I can’t find ay internal docs that might assist. Wish I could be more help.