• Newbie Question on Setting up Glacier backup
    I just read the first article you linked, somehow I'd missed it and read only the second. The first article answers most of my questions. Sorry for not paying attention ....
  • Newbie Question on Setting up Glacier backup
    I accessed my Amazon account today, and found a backup that was made on S3, and was made on the west coast. This is not what I want, but it does explain things a bit. I deleted this bucket (and I see, now, that the CloudBerry name of "bucket" now aligns with Amazon). It's not clear, to me, how one gets Glacier instead of S3. I am checking the "Glacier" box in CloudBerry. I was thinking that this would result in a Glacier vault. Instead I'm getting S3. Clearly I'm missing something. Is there a guide or reference I ought to be reading?

  • Newbie Question on Setting up Glacier backup
    The naming was definitely a problem. I was using caps in my naming, so I had to change that. I was also using a name that might have been used by others, so I changed the name to something that was unique to me. That seems to have fixed the naming issues.

    Next, however, I had a problem with location. I created a place using the Glacier Console, and the place seems to be set, by Amazon, to US East - Northern Virginia (this is in gray - it's shown but I cannot change it). If I use this in CloudBerry I get another error stating that US West Coast was expected. I decided to try that location, along with the "vault" name that I created, and it was accepted.

    Is this something to do with the Cloudberry system?
