• AF-South-1 Location is incompatible
    Hello again, Peter. Just replying to your comment since I forgot to do that in my response. Thanks again for your help.
  • AF-South-1 Location is incompatible
    Hi Peter,

    Thanks so much for your help. I have upgraded to the latest version but we are still seeing the error. I've attached a copy of the logs in case that might provide some more insight.
    cloudberry-africa-log.txt (17K)
  • Unable to run CloudBerry Explorer 6.6
    Hi Edward,

    We were actually seeing this issue on 6.6 as well. We ended up having to downgrade the version of Cloudberry to 5.9. We went with that version because we had some other instances on that version.
  • Local admin only user able to run CloudBerry Explorer
    Hello again Peter,

    Downgrading to 5.9 did indeed resolve this error. Thanks again for your response.
  • Local admin only user able to run CloudBerry Explorer

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, "run as admin" returned the same error message and all users have full control over their appdata folders. We are running a newer version of CB on this instance than our other instances so I may try and revert to a previous version to see if that resolves the issue.