• annual maintenance
    You see what isn’t correct is Andy above is stating “The annual maintenance fee covers the free upgrades and priority support.”

    I get neither. I get crappy support and a link sent to me to upgrade the windows desktop software I purchased.


    So if upgrade is included as Andy states why do I need to pay for upgrade outside the maintenance agreement. I am not upgrading to another product such as server or ultimate on your product choices.
  • annual maintenance
    185336, 197954, 187133,
  • How to upgrade
    Go to the menu to the option to check for upgrade. Click that and it will either start the upgrade or take you to the page on the site. I understand you’re on Mac but in windows it is under the help tab.
  • annual maintenance
    Just my 2 cents on the experience of the maintenance plan. I have 9 licenses since 2013 and have paid for maintenance every year including now. Their agreement states it includes upgrades and support. I can tell you that up until this year the support has been awesome but now it is crappy as crappy it can get. Must be new leaders in the support management. They will not honor the maintenance upgrades any longer. When sending in a support ticket with screen shots they ask for something totally off the wall that has nothing to do with the screen shot.

    I don't understand why they are not supporting paid maintenance anymore that meets the terms of the agreement. I would think twice before spending money on annual maintenance.