• Pablo
    Hi. I experience a strange issue since the last update. The backup destination path now uses the "$" symbol instead of the traditional ":". For example, if the original path is "C:\folder", at destination it shows "C$/folder"
    This is creating duplicate roots, as previous backups have "C:/folder" and the new ones "C/folder". I also don't know if this may affect future restorations.

    I use "Simple Mode" for backups and Google Cloud service.
    Thank you
  • Anton Zorin
    Hi ,
    We decided to make it consistent with local backups (NTFS doesn't support colons in paths) to simplify data seeding and management.
    It should work smoothly despite if you have put data to folders with colons before.
    Moving forward we'll be introducing the new data format that will put everything into archives and there will be no such structure in the cloud (and it's not clear what's gonna be with Simple mode).

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

    Thanks and have a wonderful weekend!
  • Pablo
    I appreciate your reply. Thank you.
    Honestly, it works smoothly but it creates TWO separate folders, so the cloub version is not a mirrow anymore of the local one. For example, you have one folder "C:" and other "C$".

    However, I am a bit concerned when you mentioned that "the new data format that will put everything into archives and there will be no such structure in the cloud (and it's not clear what's gonna be with Simple mode)." . In my case, it is very important for the backup to have the same folder structure as the local file system. If Cloudberry cannot offer that in the future I will not be able to use it anymore.
  • Matt
    Old folder structure currently stays as it is for now. If you want it to be mirrored right away you'd need to start your backups from scratch of remove some of the data that is under the old delimiter.
  • FalconX
    I have a similar case, but even more worse.

    For example, my source:

    What I get is:

    I am using Cloudberry on my server inside a Docker container and I am backing/synching up locally from 1 harddrive to another.
    What I want is to preserve the same folder structure on my target as it is on my source.

    I don't get it, why the filename is copied as folder with $ at the end, inside this folder the numbers folder and inside this folder finally the real file.
    I've already turned off "Delete Versions older than" & "Keep number of versions for each file". What I turned on "Delete files that have been deleted locally" 0 days (tried 1 days, no difference).

    Hope someone can help me with this, Cloudberry would be my no.1 choice if this folder mess could be sorted out.
  • Matt
    This is a Windows section of the forum, and judging by your description you're talking about either Linux or Mac. What you're describing is an expected "by design" behavior. This is a special folder structure that we use for proper versioning of your data, you can't change that.
  • FalconX
    Sorry, I just used the search funtion for $. Indeed I am not using the Windows version, it's Linux (Cloudberry inside a Docker container, controlled via Web ui).

    I see this more as a bug, that this special folder structure is generated even if I turned of the options I've named in my previous post.
    I saw some config files inside the cloudberry folder, which lines have to be edited and how?
    I really need to change this expected "by design" behavior, with this folder mess cloudberry is sadly almost useless for me :-(
    Can you please help me Matt?
  • Matt
    The software works perfectly fine. These options don't affect the folder structure in any way. It also can't be changed, otherwise you might not be able to restore your data.
  • FalconX
    I could restore my data, by copying everything back (I don't need cloudberry for restoring).
    But with the folder structure generated by cloudberry I can't or lets say I have much work to do, to put everything back in the correct folders again and delete unnecessary folders.

    Bascially I just want to get rid of these extra folders \storage\somefile.jpg$\20190404025126\
  • Matt
    Sorry, but there's nothing that can be done for your use-case right now. There's no simple mode for Linux version of the product and it is unlikely that it will be introduced in the nearest time.
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