This problem occured yesterday while moving files to my mapped drive. I was able to move around 25 gig to my shared drive. When trying to move a file of any size to my mapped drive, I get an error that claims the File is too large for the destination. I have attached the images of both the error and the files that are currently on the drive, uploaded through CloudBerry Drive.
This is the error I get.
These are the files already transferred using the Mapped Drive.
This issue seems to only exist in the Cloudberry Drive app, as Cloudberry Explorer will transfer the files just fine, and I can upload them to my Amazon Bucket.
I have tried to uninstall Drive, and reinstall it. Remove the share and recreate it, Restart my computer, change settings in the mapped drive, and change the drive letter. To no avail.
Have you had any other issues like this, or any other things that I can try. This app seemed to work great until the day I registered it.
, thanks for your question.
Have you opened a ticket with our customer support already?
Click on the menu button -> diagnostic -> paste the link to this thread-> send to support.
That will include diagnostic logs that will help us a lot to investigate the issue.
Looks like you have NTFS compression enabled on at least one of the volumes, I've only seen the software behaving in such a manner when this option is on. Double-check if that's the case and if nether compression nor encryption is enabled send us the logs for further investigation.