i've recently started using the Remote Assistant and am wondering if it's possible to stream the audio from a sound file on the host system to a connected client, because i'm not finding the option to do so.
That feature is on the roadmap, but has not been implemented yet. I'll add this post to the requirements and we'll let you know when the feature is ready.
Thanks for the quick reply. A workaround i'm trying (but failing to do so) is loop host audio output to mic input (windows 10) ... I know this is Windows related, but could that be a temporary solution?
I've done the same by using the What you Hear audio option on my SoundBlaster audio card. It worked for me with system sounds but I don't know how well it would work for streaming audio. Worth a shot. Let us know what you find.
After searching a bit i found VAC (Virtual Audio Cable) to rout audio output to mic input. It works on the host system (tested it by recording a small sound file and transferring it to client).
I selected the correct input device in the Remote Assistant, but the audio isn't coming through (yes, my mic is unmuted)
My client isn't showing any audio output for Remote Asisstant in sound mixer either. Am i missing something obvious here?