• merkl
    Hi all,

    Been using CB for a few years but never needed to do a full restore before on a new machine. I've got Cb installed on a new laptop. I have 2 glacier vaults and one S3. It seems like I can only access the S3 bucket.

    When i go to add a new storage account, I select amazon S3/Glacier. I input the access key and secret key. When i click on bucket name, it keeps pulling up the S3 bucket, it's not showing me anything from the glacier vaults. On the account type drop down i only have 3 options: Amazon S3, S3 china or S3 govcloud. Should there be a glacier option? Am i missing something somewhere else?

    For the amazon user account, I temporarily created a new user and I was giving s3 full access, glacier full access and admin full access. I'm assuming with those permissions it should be able to see all the S3 and glacier storage.

    I just found this link: https://help.msp360.com/cloudberry-backup/backup-destinations/adding-a-cloud-storage/add-amazon-s3-cloud-storage

    And it says amazon glacier accounts aren't supported anymore? What? I've been backing up to a glacier vault on my old PC using cloudberry. How am I supposed to restore files from glacier?
  • David Gugick
    Amazon glacier as well as some other cloud storage vendors have been placed on legacy support. You can still use glacier using the new version through the S3 glacier interface by creating a lifecycle policy and having the data moved to S3 glacier even with zero day latency. But you can also re-enable the legacy account so you'll see glacier in the list using the information in this blog post. https://kb.msp360.com/standalone-backup/general/obsolete-storage-destinations
  • merkl
    Thanks, that seems to have fixed it for me. Going forward i assume cloudberry plans to no longer support glacier storage? Is there some reason why this was dropped? I like to use it since it's the cheapest storage and the items I store rarely need to be accessed so the long restore times aren't an issue for me.
  • David Gugick
    We support glacier It's just through the new S3 glacier storage interface. It uses the same API as regular S3, and because of that it's much easier for us to support. It also leaves metadata in S3 about the inventory of files, so you no longer have to create a time-consuming inventory from good old-fashioned glacier. I'll have to check but I think you can target S3 Glacier directly even with the new version. But you could try that yourself if you want to see if that's where you want to put the files. If not then as I said you can use a lifecycle policy which you can set up from the product or on AWS directly to move the files to S3 Glacier.

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