I set up a new client yesterday and chose the "New" backup format, but can't find anywhere to have it report to the Windows Event Log on completion. I used to be able to edit this in the web portal, but that says the New format jobs can ONLY be edited on the endpoint. This seems backward to me - why would the latest technology not be controllable from the admin dashboard while the old one can be controlled on either end? But to my main point - does any know where to configure the reporting option so it reports to the Windows Event Log? I need this for my RMM software to be able to easily keep track of backup success/failure.
You probably already know, but you can set up integration with Connectwise Manage, OptiTune and Autotask. If you are not using one of these, could your RMM receive an email message when the backup plan completes?
And I agree with your sentiments about not being able to remotely manage endpoints' backup plans. Hopefully this is just a temporary loss of feature.
The Oct 5th release will add support for the new backup format to the management console. We released the completed agent a little early for those customers who were planning to test via the agent itself. I understand your concern about trying to sync the agent -management console releases, but sometimes we release the agent a little early. We'll try to do a better job next time communicating this to customers to avoid any confusion in the future. Regarding your question on Windows Event Log notifications, I am checking with the team, but expect that feature to be available when released. I will report back once I have confirmation.
The option is current there in the agent for both the legacy and new backup formats. To enable this option in the agent, you need to make sure the management console - Settings - Notifications - "Allow users to receive backup and restore notification emails" option is checked. Once that is done, the event log option will show up in the agent when editing the backup plan. It should also be available from the management console for the new backup format when that release is available in October.
Okay, I'll wait for the October release. I don't want users inundated with e-mails. Every time a minor issue occurs and one out of six jobs fails for the day, I don't need users who don't understand how anything works contacting me concerned that their backups are failing.
Oh, okay. The option, when presented, looked like it was going to automatically report every job result to all the individual clients. I'll try turning it on and see if I can make the necessary adjustment. Thanks for the clarification.