• P72endragon
    I'm trying to use the CLI to create a job that will backup multiple folders, but I think I need help with the syntax!

    I have these folders:

    C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup>dir c:\folder_*
     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is 6074-F932
     Directory of c:\
    06/01/2022  10:45    <DIR>          folder_1
    06/01/2022  10:41    <DIR>          folder_2

    I can create a job for each folder individually:

    C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup>cbb addBackupPlan -a "tst-local" -n "tst-local-1" -d "c:\folder_1"
    CloudBerry Backup Desktop Edition Command Line Interface started
    Backup plan is created.
    C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup>cbb addBackupPlan -a "tst-local" -n "tst-local-2" -d "c:\folder_2"
    CloudBerry Backup Desktop Edition Command Line Interface started
    Backup plan is created.

    How do I create a job for both folders? Just separating the paths with a semi-colon doesn't work:

    C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup>cbb addBackupPlan -a "tst-local" -n "tst-local-3" -d "c:\folder_1"; "c:\folder_2"
    CloudBerry Backup Desktop Edition Command Line Interface started
    Backup plan is created.
  • P72endragon
    To clarify my example above, I pasted the wrong one, but I've tried:

    Both paths separated by a semi-colon within one set of quotes - fails because it says the path doesn't exist:
    C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup>cbb addBackupPlan -a "tst-local" -n "tst-local-3" -d "c:\folder_1; c:\folder_2"
    CloudBerry Backup Desktop Edition Command Line Interface started
    WARNING: Cannot add file or folder 'c:\folder_1; c:\folder_2'. Path doesn't exist
    Backup plan is created.

    A separate set of quotes for each path (the example in my first post). It does create a plan, but only with the first path:
    C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup>cbb addBackupPlan -a "tst-local" -n "tst-local-3" -d "c:\folder_1"; "c:\folder_2"
    CloudBerry Backup Desktop Edition Command Line Interface started
    Backup plan is created.
    C:\Program Files\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Backup>cbb getPlanDetails -n "tst-local-3"
    CloudBerry Backup Desktop Edition Command Line Interface started
    Name: tst-local-3
    ID: 40c30766-d768-4d40-8826-44f5100aaf11
    Connection: tst-local (4c81fb52-a3c8-478e-a827-0779bf461623) (ID= 4c81fb52-a3c8-478e-a827-0779bf461623)
    Simple backup mode: False
    Force using VSS: True
    Use system VSS provider: False
    Use fast NTFS scan: True
    Use block-level backup: False
    Backup items:
    Backup filter type: All
    Back up system and hidden files: False
    Compress files: True
    Use encryption: False
    Storage class: STANDARD
    Backup schedule: False
    Backup force full schedule: False
    Notification options
            SendNotification: No
    Windows Event log options
            Add entry to &Windows Event Log when plan completes: No
  • P72endragon
    I was looking at that, but can’t see any examples of backing up multiple directories. It says the “-iem” and “-efm” parameters take multiple values separated by a semi-colon, but as I say, I haven’t found how to do similar for “-d”
  • David Gugick
    Have you tried adding multiple -d parameters?
  • P72endragon
    Ah, ok, yes, that looks to work, thanks
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