On most of our backed up servers, we have two File and two Image backup plans, one of each going to the cloud and one of each going to local storage. On most of the File plans, we get this notification: "System/hidden files and folders skipped: 286" (the number varies per machine)
The machines that produce this notification also have the option "Do not back up system and hidden files" enabled. What is the best practice for using this? Is it possible that we are missing/skipping important software files that ought to be backed up by our File plans if we have this enabled?
That is what the image backup is for. You would only need to restore those system files if the system was hosed in some way. As you know, you can restore iindividual files from an image backup, but in my experience restoring an individual system file rarely fixes anything.
One thing we have always done is to include system directories (including appdata user folders) in our local backups since there is no cost to do so. This can lead to errors however, as some of the files are temporary and are present when the snapshot is taken, but disappear by the time the system goes to do the backup. (things like roaming profiles).
Hope this helps.
sorry for late reply! but "Do not back up system and hidden files" option best practice is you can improve backup efficiency, reduce storage requirements, and prevent issues during restoration.