I am testing backing up some data to glacier from our Windows servers. We would like to use glacier for our long term storage since our policy is to keep quarterly backups forever. We are abandoning our current tape backup system and glacier seemed like the way to go. Here are my questions:
1.) I am trying to understand how cloudberry interacts with glacier and if it is okay to backup multiple servers to a single vault. Is this possible?
2.) Our goal is to keep data forever, so if we delete a file from a server, we want to be able to go back years later to retrieve that deleted file from the last time it was backed up. Is this possible in archive mode or do we need to use regular mode?
Regarding your questions:
1) Yes, that's possible, shouldn't be any issues with that. We create a special folder structure on stiorage side so the data doesn't get mixed up.
2) Currently archive mode just overwrites everything upon new backup, so regular mode would be better in your case. You can specify to keep the data for dozens of years.
Thanks for the response. From what I can tell the retention policy can keep a certain number of versions and delete versions. What happens if we uncheck all of the retention policy boxes? Will it just keep backing up an infinite number of versions of each file?
That's correct. If you unselect all retention options, nothing will be removed from backup storage. The first execution, CloudBerry backs up everything. From then on, every quarter, CloudBerry Backup backs up all changed and new files. No existing files will be removed from backup storage.