• smrutikanta
    So we have a restore plan to restore objects from S3! Below is the details about the restore plan

    CloudBerry Backup Command Line Interface started
    Name                 : restore_plan
    Type                 : Restore
    ID                   : {encrypted-key}
    Destination ID       : {encrypted-key}
    Destination name     : MongoDB Backup
    Restore items:
    Restore type         : Last Version
    Restore to original location: false
    Restore destination  : /home/user-folder/
    Encryption password  : Specified.
    Only new files       : true
    Skip existing files  : false
    Schedule             : Not scheduled
    Run missed plan      : false
    Stop plan after      : false
    Whenever I run the restore plan for restoring the files it goes into a hanged state and nothing happens.
    So to investigate further I looked at the log files but that also does not help either

    cbbWorker started, version:         Force full mode: false
    2024-04-17 00:42:46,585889 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Notification manager init
    2024-04-17 00:42:46,586323 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 3 ] Notification manager started
    2024-04-17 00:42:48,603659 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 4 ] Use sqlite database
    2024-04-17 01:47:10,604264 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Error on exec sql query: database text: database is locked driver text: Unable to fetch row error code: 5
    2024-04-17 02:13:13,604049 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Error on exec sql query: database text: database is locked driver text: Unable to fetch row error code: 5
    2024-04-17 02:18:16,728995 [WARN ]: QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot be started from another thread
    2024-04-17 02:18:19,862124 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 4 ] Application onFinished
    2024-04-17 02:18:19,862504 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 4 ] Download size: 0.00 B files: 0 download files error: 0
    2024-04-17 02:18:19,901559 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 3 ] Notification manager stopped
    2024-04-17 02:18:19,901684 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Notification manager removed
    2024-04-17 02:18:19,902092 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Worker stopped: Wed Apr 17 02:18:19 2024
    2024-04-17 13:49:51,771176 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] 
    cbbWorker started, version:         Force full mode: false
    2024-04-17 13:49:51,772327 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Notification manager init
    2024-04-17 13:49:51,772798 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 3 ] Notification manager started
    2024-04-17 13:49:53,677110 [INFO ]: [ CBB ] [ 4 ] Use sqlite database
    2024-04-17 13:50:31,603716 [WARN ]: [ CBB ] [ 1 ] Error on exec sql query: database text: database is locked driver text: Unable to fetch row error code: 5

    At the same time when I try other restore plans which uses the same S3 bucket it restores the files just fine but I am not sure what is the issue with this restore plan

    Below is the command used to create the restore plan

    cbbCommandLine addRestorePlan -n restore_plan -a "MongoDB Backup" -sy yes -f /home/ec2-user/nohup.out$ -ep password -se no -ol no -de /home/user-folder/ -on yes

    Please suggest if I am doing something wrong while creating the restore plan
  • Alexander Negrash
    Please DM me you contact email address I will ask one of our engineers to look into this.
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