• Justin Ploof
    I've had MSP360 managed backup running on a server for years now. I just noticed that there are a couple of stragglers from 2019 that aren't being purged with the retention policy. I right-click on these backups, but it only gives me options to restore. How do I remove these so I'm not paying for the storage space?

  • David Gugick
    Have you verified that those backups are actually in storage? If not, I would check first, as it's possible the repository database is just not properly synchronized. If they are there you should be able to delete them from the backup storage tab. If not, synchronize the repository and that should fix the issue.

    If the backups are in fact and backup storage:
    Are you saying that when you right click on the full backup you want to remove there's no option to delete it?
  • Justin Ploof
    I see the backups in Wasabi storage. I can't delete them from the backup storage tab in MSP360.

    I've right-clicked on every backup row in the right window pane and every tier of backups in the left window pane. I don't see the option to delete any of the old or new backups. It shows Restore Data, Restore Verification (Beta), and File Level Restore.

    Should I be seeing a delete option? What happens if I delete the old files in Wasabi?
  • David Gugick
    If they are image backups, you can only delete the full from each set. You cannot delete an incremental backup. Can you verify you do not see a delete option on any of the full backups?
  • David Gugick
    It’s also possible the option to delete backups is disabled in agent options in the management console.
  • Justin Ploof
    That did the trick. Thank you, David. If anyone else has this issue, you enable "Allow Data Deletion in Backup Agent" within https://mspbackups.com/AP/GlobalAgentOptions
  • Justin Ploof
    I've run into this issue again. I'm trying to delete backups from the backup storage tab in the software, but it doesn't give the option to delete them[img][/img]. See the attachment.

    I've tried these things:
    • Confirming the "Allow Data Deletion in Backup Agent" is checked for the global settings and the
    • Closing and reloading the software
    • Selecting some and selecting all of the available backups.
    • Looking through the software settings for anything blocking the deletion
    • Looking through the management console to see if I can delete the files from there
    • Confirmed the license is still active and assigned to the user

    Any ideas on this?
    msp360 backup not available (112K)
  • Alexander Negrash
    There might be several reasons you don't have the delete option. Maybe you changed the prefix for the computer, or the storage destination is configured in "Restore Only" mode. Can you send a screenshot with a left-side panel with storage accounts and computers?
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