• Adar Wesley

    I have several computers with CloudBerry Backup Desktop Edition backing up data to Glacier.
    I recently noticed that I am getting charged by Amazon more than I was expecting. When investigating
    this I noticed that most of the charges stem from early delete operations.

    So my question is, how should I configure CloudBerry Backup Plan to minimize (eliminate?) those early delete charges from Amazon Glacier?

    A more general question is how to configure CloudBerry Backup Desktop Edition to have a full and
    most available backup, and at the same time minimize cost against the cloud backing store?

  • Matt

    If you often rename/move/delete your files it is better to disable "delete files that have been deleted locally" option. Or you can specify to delay the purge to 90 days if you need that option.

    Regarding versioning: since early deletion fees are only applied if the files were deleted during the next 90 days after the files were uploaded you can specify to delete versions that are older than 90 days(or more), that way you won't be additionally charged for early deletion of your data.
  • David Gugick
    The thing to keep in mind is that Glacier is archive storage for long-term data you do not plan to restore, except in emergency situations. While we do support sending data directly to Glacier from CloudBerry Backup, you should only use that option for data you plan to keep there a minimum of 90 days and do not plan to restore frequently, if at all. Glacier cannot quickly return file listings, has a 90 day minimum retention requirement, and can be costly for restores - which also, by default, take 3-5 hours to be available with Standard Retrieval.

    For most customers, it's much better to save your backups to S3 (you can use S3-IA or S3 One Zone-IA to save some money) and then move that data to Glacier after some period like 30 days, especially if you plan to restore or delete objects in those first 30 days. S3 costs a bit more but you are only charged for average storage over the course of the month and can remove objects at any time without penalty. In addition, S3 objects that are tiered to Glacier can be listed more quickly as AWS keeps some metadata about files in S3 even after the object is moved to Glacier. You can facilitate the movement of data using the Object Lifecycle Policy feature in CloudBerry Backup.

    I hope this helps.
  • James Dyke
    or look at backblaze!!
  • Jon T
    I'll second this. I started out trying to use Glacier, and found it not very friendly for my home server & home network use cases. I found Backblaze B2 much easier to work with (you can access your files in real time and with a web client) and I think the storage costs are a bargain.
  • ds2
    If you have a minimum of 1 TB to store wasabi could also be a option.
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