• Mark
    Just thought i'd jot down some feature requests as they come to mind.

    1. It would be cool if when you reboot a remote computer, there would be an option to have a notification of when it comes back up and is available.

    2. The ability to disable the remote mouse and keyboard would be nice too so that you're not "fighting" with a remote user who feels the need to keep their hand on the mouse and move it occasionally.

    3. It would also be cool to have the option to lock the remote computer if the session is dropped for whatever reason or even if the session is closed normally.

    4. Most of the other remote access apps i've used have the ability to send a ctrl-alt-del to the remote computer. Usually you can get around the need for this by right clicking on the taskbar to open the task manager since that's the usual reason that i'd need a ctrl-alt-del but it still be handy to have.


  • HarryB
    , thanks a lot for your suggestions! Let me answer in the same order.

    1) We'll definitely put this feature request and consider it for the future releases

    2) This one seems to be more tricky because it can potentially let you abuse the full control

    3) We lock the sessions in case you joined when it was locked and leave them open if they were open before us. This behavior seems legit for us but we might be missing something and will appreciate your feedback.

    4) We have this button, but only display it when connecting via the Unattended Access due to some technical difficulties. We are working on them and hope to introduce it in all the modes soon.

    Looking forward to your feedback!
  • Mark
    Thanks for all that Harry.

    With 2. How about just disabling the mouse and if they hit any key on the keyboard they get it back? I've not yet had a problem with the user being on the keyboard, it's just the mouse. I think they treat it like a TV remote control and just can't give it up sometimes, haha.

    With number 3. That might work for me, I didn't realize that was the functionality. I'll have to check that out. Worst case scenario, I can lock the system myself before getting out of it.

    I've been using the Unattended Access functionality and didn't notice the botton. I did notice I was asked if I wanted to forward certain keystrokes (like windows key and E) but it didn't forward the ctrl-alt-del.

    Thanks again,

  • HarryB
    Yeah, it doesn't forward it, but there's a button under the menu button of the top toolbar.
  • Mark

    I still don't see that option in the menu (see screenshot). And I double checked that Unattended Access is checked on the remote system. Using version on both remote and local systems.


    CB_RA_Menu (20K)
  • HarryB
    Could you check what is set here on the destination machine? A8tJatk.jpg
  • Mark

    It's Not Defined.


  • HarryB
    We'll need to reproduce the issue, I'll get back to you soon.
  • PeteMc
    Is there a public list of Feature Requests?

    It may stop some of us that are just starting to read about Remote Access from putting in the same request.

    AND.... It will allow us to see those request we also think are very important and add our vote so you guys also realize the users feel they're important. A public list would also allow you to expand upon one persons request to make it even an even more powerful feature.
  • HarryB
    Thanks for your suggestion, we'll definitely consider this.

    At the moment it works so, that we're reading all of your requests (that's me usually) and counting them in our bugtracker, that's how we prioritize them and understant that they are "important".

    We'll take your suggestion into account and discuss internally, thanks for your initiative.

    BTW, the biggest upcoming features are listed on the product page
  • PeteMc
    Thanks. I'll keep an eye on that page.
  • PeteMc
    Connection Lost = Lock Desktop NOT Sign Out

    It was nice to see you guys considered the security issues of a lost connection when the network/Internet connection is lost, but I don't think I'd go with Signing Out.... I've got a couple of machines that need the user to stay logged in for programs to run. So we always lock the desktop.

    I' like to see three User options any one can be set as the default while the others are always available in the hamburger menu...

    1) Lock Desktop [installation default]
    2) Sign Out
    3) Leave Unlocked (not recommended and probably used the least, but I don't know what other people need and always prefer to give them options)

    And I've read how you want to integrate RA into your other products. Will all your programs continue to run if they are initiated by someone logging in with RA and then that User signs out in the middle of the process?
  • KimofAZ
    Please implement multiple monitors in both directions. I am used to working with 4 monitors and today because remote desktop was not available I had to work with one small display. Just because the host computer only has one why can't I move things around my different desktops. It works with remote desktop. It was very hard to find things hidden and way to one edge on the accessed computer. I couldn't figure out how to drag the scaled display any bigger either, it seems the same scaled or not and the connection bar at top and bottom was also hard to work around. I hide the top but couldn't figure out what to do with the bottom one. I like a big desktop and multiple even better, pretty please
  • Gleb
    Hi , filed your request, thanks.
  • yodavader
    there are a couple of things i think might be useful

    1. Minimize to tray on clicking the "X" or close button
    2. Remote Update - update remote client version if its older
    3. add a library of remote clients under a common user - there by if i log in with that account i can see all my remote clients
    4. Clipboard history
    5. Direct LAN - LAN connections with IP address
  • yodavader
    6. When i use the PIN to login, it asks for the Windows Login. can this not be integrated?
  • Gleb
    Hi , nice nickname!
    Please specify what you mean by "Clipboard history".

    Also, PIN. If you mean the RA own "PIN" - it can only be used when connecting to a live Windows user session, therefore there is no need for Windows Login. Perhaps I misunderstand you?
  • KimofAZ
    another really handy useful feature would be "Switch sides with partner" I remote into mom to help her with her computer , then i want to show her how i have something set up on computer so i want her to see my desktop, switch sides with partner and now she can see and control my computer until I decide to kick her off LOL
  • Gleb
    got it, thanks! Will put on the list
  • yodavader

    What i meant was when i Use the PIN mode, why cant it automatically log me into the windows session? i use the pin to gain access & i had to enter the windows user password again to work on the remote computer

    clipboard history - you can ignore it..
  • yodavader

    yes i meant RA own PIN.
  • Gleb
    OK, the request is clear now, thanks. We will consider it for the future releases
  • Tony
    I like this program and will probably install it on a remote computer which Teamviewer has kicked off its network saying it is "Commercial" when in fact it runs a remote weather station with cameras at my holiday home on the sea coast 120kms away and publishes it to a webserver, which I make publicly available free of charge with no advertising. Nothing Commercial about that!
    The weather station uses a Com to USB connector to a laptop which gets confused quite often so I get it to reboot every 24 hours so that it is never off-line more than that if it "hangs".
    If I was asking for feature improvements, my wish list would be:-

    1. An option for setting the program to load at startup.
    2. An option to enable the program to load minimized when it is set for unattended access .(I tried loading the program through a shortcut set to minimized, but that doesn't work.)

    It's wonderful that Cloudberry provide a program such as this free of charge and my preference would be that it remain true to it's core task of remote control without constantly updating with new features, which is the track Teamviewer has been going down. That way, one will hope that it will remain free of charge or at least only ask for a shareware donation from long term users.
    That's my two cents worth!
    Tony C.
  • Gleb
    Hi , thanks for your feedback!
    Indeed, we plan to leave our Remote Assistant free of charge with roughly the same functionality it has right now. Stability and performance improvements will still be released.
    There will be a more powerful paid version for those who need it too.

    As for your wishlist, I believe just having Unattended Access enabled should be enough - this enables Remote Assistant Service that starts at boot (unless set otherwise in services.msc), so the machine is ready for an incoming connection while the program window does not appear and clutter the screen.
    Please correct me if I'm misunderstanding anything here.
  • Tony
    Hi Gleb,
    Ahhh! Because I couldn't see CBRA in the system tray, I automatically assumed that it was not loaded and required being run. No wonder my shortcut (set at minimized) wouldn't work as I expected. All it was doing was waking up the already loaded program. Didn't occur to me to check the services or even try to connect immediately after boot.
    So...... in one stroke you have solved my wish-list! :razz: Maybe I should write an idiots guide to newbie installers. I'm nearly 73 years old, so the brain is a bit slow on the uptake these days.

    Now all I have to do is drive the 120kms and replace Teamviewer with CBRA on the affected laptop.
    Thanks for all your help.
    Tony C.
  • Gleb
    haha, my pleasure!
    Keep well, the aging process is partially a mindset issue!
  • Tony
    There is one small annoyance for me. As I use the program exclusively to gain control of unattended computers, the box which announces "Screen shared with XYZ computer is quite intrusive. It would be helpful to be able to disable or turn it off as part of the "unattended access" function.


    Tony C
  • Gleb
    Hi , thanks for your suggestion.
    I won't promise "we will definitely do it" nor can I promise an ETA just yet, but it will be brought to discussion with the team once more - so probably it will be added at some point
  • Tony
    Thanks Gleb,
    It's a feature that makes sense if there's someone viewing the screen at the other end, but could be dispensed with completely once the "unattended attendant" choice is made. One can live with it and I only mention it for user feed-back purpose.
  • Bernd Fleischmann
    I don't see a Ctrl-Alt-Del menu item either. I am using on both machines and I am in unattended mode. I haven't found anything more recent on the topic in this forum.
  • Mike Groves
    I have to agree with Tony re the "Screen Shared with" box, even with a person at the other end - it always seems to be over the bit of screen you want to access. It's my only niggle - otherwise I think the programme is great, ably replacing the TV I used for years (till they got greedy with their charges!).
    Regards, Mike.
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