How do I set up the schedule so that daily backups run daily, even if another backup takes weeks? (Perhaps this is a silly question for CBB, but I spent too much time evaluating another backup product in which a long-running backup blocked all other backups unless I interrupted it manually.)
I will have a local backup (hours the first time, minutes to update) and a cloud backups (weeks the first time, minutes to hours to update). I want to make sure the local backup actually runs daily even during the initial cloud backup. If I let the cloud backup run 24hr/day, will it be interrupted to run the local? If not, is it sufficient to leave at least one minute/day when the cloud backup isn't running? Do I have to make sure the start time for the local backup is during a time when the cloud backup isn't running?
And how does a hybrid backup change this? Hybrid makes a lot of sense to me, but then there's only one setup. Will the cloud part of the hybrid backup shut down to allow the local part to run?
, two plans running to different destinations simultaneously is perfectly fine if they don't backup the same data (except for increased reading load to the HDD and increased network usage).
Two plans for the same data to different destinations might still cause troubles because of concurrent write operations to the database (long story) and is generally recommended to avoid.
Hybrid backup will not stop the cloud backup part to let local backup part start again. It's a sequential backup - first local, then cloud - with no deviations allowed.
Thanks, Caleb ... OK, my two backups are the same data, so the simple way would be to set up two backups, and perhaps schedule the local backup to run 2 hours/day and the cloud backup the other 22 hours/day.
Or perhaps -- if I can make space locally, and I think I can -- start by creating and completing a local backup. Then change it to run 2 hours/day, and set up a hybrid backup to run the other 22 hours/day. When the hybrid completes (in a few weeks), delete the local-only backup.
I'm actually setting this up for several family members as well as for myself. I'm probably the only one with enough data to justify this complication.
Should you need any assistance in the process - feel free to drop an email to, our guys will hopefully know the answers to whatever questions you ask!
This is 2 backup plans. What if you have 500 backup plans with most of them having more less the same requirements e.g. running at night. Should CBB check if there are overlappings and throw a warning to end user to fix this in order to avoid 2 backups taking same data backup but in different destinations? That could be as an feature request in order to avoid database problems in near future.
P.S numbers are just examples.
Frankly speaking, if you have 500 (ok, it's 2+) backup plans for the same data running at the same time - maybe you're doing it wrong. I mean, does anyone really need to have the same data in more than 2 places?
Anyway, the checks for overlapping are on our roadmap now but currently some troubles may occur in this scenario
Or if you have 30 customers with 5 plans each one of them and all of them wants to do at night...and you do all the backup plans..somewhere, somehow would do the mistake.
Backup plans that do not cross in backup source items AND backup destination are supposed to go fine (well, resource usage is a separate question).
If an MSP leaves the burden of managing and fine-tuning the software on the end-user, the latter may make mistakes and the MSP will be to blame.
If it is the MSP representatives who keep track of the settings, they should be planning the backup jobs in each environment so to ensure the same data is not backed up to the same storage simultaneously by several plans.