• Simon
    I've had a backup running on a server for years. It backs up to a Google Cloud Storage bucket and I've been using a `User Account HMAC` key and secret to do so.
    However, in recent days I'm getting an email notification with the message: `Error occurred during backup: The provided security credentials are not valid.`

    Strangely, the same credentials are used on another server and those backups are running without issue.
    I even tried generating a new key/secret but the same error message continues.

    Additional - when I open the CloudBerry app on the server I can also browse the storage bucket suggesting the credentials I'm using must be correct?!

    Has anyone ever experienced this? Thanks in advance for any input!

    Cloudberry backup version: (yep, it's old!)
    Windows Server 2008
  • David Gugick
    Probably stating the obvious, but you need to upgrade to a supported versions. The product lifecycle table is listed here: https://www.cloudberrylab.com/productlifecycle.aspx

    It's possible someone may have an idea of the problem and reply back, but upgrading is the logical choice.
  • Simon

    Thanks David - yea agreed. I think that will potentially bring additional headaches though!

    I might have found the issue. It seemed to be stalling on a particular file so I've removed that from the equation to test. I will see if the backup works tonight.
  • David Gugick
    You can always review the local logs and turn on detailed logging for additional info. Check Options for the log location and remember to set to low or off after your analysis is complete.
  • Matt
    I bet that file has a "%" character in its name. If it does, then that's a known problem. There was a pretty lengthy investigation on our side regarding that, and it seems to be a pretty unusual problem on Google's side that manifests in various other products besides ours.

    Use service account or OAuth authentication instead of access/secret as a workaround for now. Sounds weird, but it helps.
  • Simon
    Hi Matt. That was exactly the issue. A filename with a % in the name caused it to fail.
    I sanitised the file in question and after a couple of days to sort itself out the backup is working again.
  • Simon
    - Just as a suggestion...forgive me if this is already done in later editions of the backup software.

    Would it be worth catching the '%' character based errors with a more meaningful error message if it's a known issue?

    "Error occurred during backup: The provided security credentials are not valid." isn't very descriptive of the actual issue and it took me a bit of digging to get to the bottom of the issue (i.e. days without backup running).
  • Matt
    That's all we get from Google servers, the error doesn't originate from our software. This should be fixed soon, but I don't have any further details from R&D about that.
  • Simon
    ah ok - I noted in the software logs/history that it detailed the filename where it got stuck with that error. Could combine the Google error w/ the 'current' filename to give more detail within the CB app?

    No matter if it's in the pipeline to be fixed anyway :)
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