What does happen when we disable File Name Encryption with the files previously backed up?
I did that on my external HD backup and now I got two folders in it, ECBB_ (w/ filename encryption) and CBB_(no filename encryption).
I want all files now to have filename encryption disabled but got these two folders.
, when the feature is disabled, CloudBerry Backup will reupload everything from scratch (the software considers it different data).
I'd suggest to just delete the ECBB directory and then synchronize repository under Tools > Options > Repository (reference link) and then continue running backup with File Name Encryption disabled
, I can delete the ECBB folder manually but do I need to? Wasn´t Cloudberry Backup supposed to delete it after syncing repository, back all up...
I did sync and back it up but it seems not all files were reuploaded. As an extra info during syncing process some files were updated promptly and then I was asked for the filename decryption password so the syncing could go on with its stuff.
, repository synchronization will NEVER delete anything in the storage, it just can't. Your ECBB data is there because there was no delete operation - you can do it manually or by a retention policy.
From your description I thought you want to clear all the ECBB data now and continue running backup with file name encryption off, is this correct?
In this case you should:
- delete the ECBB directory
- sync repository
- continue backup - everything will be reuploaded.
correct. I did that and now all filenames are plain text.
But there´s something I didn´t get. I just want to be confident about these settings. I enabled filename encryption again however only two files were reuploaded: enginesettings.list and settings.list . Is that the expected behavior?
On the other hand, every time I check/uncheck "Enable encrytion", Cloudberry Backup warns me that a full reupload is needed. That´s expected...My only doubts revolves around filename encryption.
, the app will run backup of any changed files with filename encryption enabled. Files that have not changed since last backup are not re-backed up.
I assume you would expect it to re-backup everything, right?