• BackupFan
    Is the ability to Execute Following Plan After Backup Completes in the New Format complete and ready for use? If not, is there an estimate as to when it will be available? We would like to be able to chain local and cloud, image and file and folders backups to run one after another. This would make scheduling easier and more efficient. We would like to be able to have monthly full backups using the same Execute Following Plan After Backup Completes as well if possible.
  • BackupFan
    Any feedback concerning this question? We would like to chain backups together using the MSP360 version 7 and the New Format backups if this is ready for use.
  • Alexander Negrash

    Check the Pre/Post Actions step in the wizard
  • BackupFan
    Thank you Alexandar! I see this in the UI but thought that someone mentioned that this feature should not be used yet. I may be wrong. Have you or have others used this feature in MSP360 v7 New Format with success? Any best practices regarding this feature?
  • David Gugick
    I would request that you wait until the 7.4.0 release before you start using chained backups. The current implementation will always run an incremental backup on the chained plan. The 7.4 release will include a new option to execute the same type of backup that is being run on the main plan. You'll also have to make sure that your GFS settings are compatible between the two plans based on the main plan's schedule if you use GFS. You should also make sure that the chained plan has no schedule assigned to it.
  • BackupFan
    Thank you David. Will do.
  • BackupFan

    Are the chained backups now ready to be used? We are using the new format backups using version . We run some image based and some files plans. I'm referring to the Pre / Post Actions, Execute Following Plan After Backup Completes section of the backup plan settings.

    If Yes, are there any best practices or caveats to keep in mind? Any there any factors to consider regarding Execute Full Backup (Synthetic Full If Possible)?
  • BackupFan
    Has anyone else been using the chained backups with success? Any suggestions?
  • David Gugick
    just what I said above in my post. That you need to make sure the GFS settings for the chained plan is compatible with the schedule for the main plan, because you're going to be relying on the main plan to determine what kind of backup is going to be run on the chained plan.
  • BackupFan
    I believe the issue that kept us from using chained backups before was that either the subsequent plans would always run as full backups, or would never run as full backups (I can't remember which it was), no matter what the initial plan was scheduled to run. Has this been resolved?
    Our goal is to run monthly incremental full backups on each of the plans in the chain. To accomplish this, would we only setup a schedule on the initial plan?

    Also, we are not using GFS currently. If we were to use it in the future, should we just set each individual chained plan up with GFS identically? Or does setting GFS on the first plan establish it for the rest of the subsequent plans?
  • David Gugick
    You need to set the GFS for each backup. But since there is a new chained option that tells the chain plan to follow the type of backup that is running on the main plan, It's going to be important that the GFS settings work for the schedule of the main plan. If you're not using GFS then don't worry about that part.
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