I'm trying out Cloudberry Backup and Explorer, so far I"m quite happy. What I can't figure out, and maybe I'm doing something wrong, if I want to share a folder with someone, and I right click "Web URL" it gives me links to the individual files, but not the folder. How do I share an entire folder?
You'll likely have to use the Static Website Hosting option in the AWS Control Panel. I personally have never used it and am not sure how it works. I may render the S3 folders as HTML, but I am not sure.You'll have to research and test.
But first you'll have to make the bucket public. You can do this in CloudBerry Explorer by right-clicking the bucket name or folder, select ACL Settings, and then click the Public (Everyone) button, check the Apply for All Sub-folders and Objects option (if that's what you want), and click OK.
Having said that, I do not recommend you make buckets or folders public as anyone can find them and download your objects. Not sure what use case you are trying to solve, but there might be a better, more secure way to do what you need.