
  • "$" symbol in backup path instead of ":"
    I could restore my data, by copying everything back (I don't need cloudberry for restoring).
    But with the folder structure generated by cloudberry I can't or lets say I have much work to do, to put everything back in the correct folders again and delete unnecessary folders.

    Bascially I just want to get rid of these extra folders \storage\somefile.jpg$\20190404025126\
  • "$" symbol in backup path instead of ":"
    Sorry, I just used the search funtion for $. Indeed I am not using the Windows version, it's Linux (Cloudberry inside a Docker container, controlled via Web ui).

    I see this more as a bug, that this special folder structure is generated even if I turned of the options I've named in my previous post.
    I saw some config files inside the cloudberry folder, which lines have to be edited and how?
    I really need to change this expected "by design" behavior, with this folder mess cloudberry is sadly almost useless for me :-(
    Can you please help me Matt?
  • "$" symbol in backup path instead of ":"
    I have a similar case, but even more worse.

    For example, my source:

    What I get is:

    I am using Cloudberry on my server inside a Docker container and I am backing/synching up locally from 1 harddrive to another.
    What I want is to preserve the same folder structure on my target as it is on my source.

    I don't get it, why the filename is copied as folder with $ at the end, inside this folder the numbers folder and inside this folder finally the real file.
    I've already turned off "Delete Versions older than" & "Keep number of versions for each file". What I turned on "Delete files that have been deleted locally" 0 days (tried 1 days, no difference).

    Hope someone can help me with this, Cloudberry would be my no.1 choice if this folder mess could be sorted out.