
  • How to backup offline on premise server to Amazon S3
    I was thinking to connect AWS S3 and on prem server using VPC PrivateLink, but I think I can't because VPC PrivateLink is only for the servers in VPC. This time is OUT OF VPC, so I think it is very difficult.
    Thank you for your help.
  • How to backup offline on premise server to Amazon S3
    OK, thank you for the detail.

    I'm sorry, on-prem server is on the private network that can't use internet and it's out of VPC.
    Therefore, I think there is no connection between S3 and on-prem server in the moment and we are looking for how I can connect to. Is this answer correct?
  • How to backup offline on premise server to Amazon S3

    Hello, thank you for your reply. I understand that I need internet access to AWS S3, thank you for your help.You recommend Minio, but on that way, maybe I think I can use AWS storage gateway instead,
    is it correct? Sorry for basic question.

    Hello. We want to back up offline windows servers on private network which is on premise server to AWS S3. But I think this case could be difficult.

    Sorry for my broken English.

Mika Nakagawara

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