PeteMc - MSP360 Forum


  • Help us choose the next big feature
    Item #2 - Wallpaper

    I like the idea of removing the remote wallpaper during the session. But it's a MUST HAVE that the desktop returns "normal" when you disconnect.

    (I was going to post the black screen as a BUG, but I see you already know....)

    NOTE: On Item #6 Hiding Taskbar

    I was able to access the hiding taskbar on my notebook when not in full screen mode.
  • Feature requests
    Connection Lost = Lock Desktop NOT Sign Out

    It was nice to see you guys considered the security issues of a lost connection when the network/Internet connection is lost, but I don't think I'd go with Signing Out.... I've got a couple of machines that need the user to stay logged in for programs to run. So we always lock the desktop.

    I' like to see three User options any one can be set as the default while the others are always available in the hamburger menu...

    1) Lock Desktop [installation default]
    2) Sign Out
    3) Leave Unlocked (not recommended and probably used the least, but I don't know what other people need and always prefer to give them options)

    And I've read how you want to integrate RA into your other products. Will all your programs continue to run if they are initiated by someone logging in with RA and then that User signs out in the middle of the process?
  • Feature requests
    Thanks. I'll keep an eye on that page.
    I'm also unable to upload a file from the remote machine.

    Once I drill down to the file, RA does not actually select/open the file. The dialog box stays open for me to keep drilling down even though there's nowhere else to go.

    BUG REPORT: Also, if the Desktop, Documents folder, etc. have been moved, RA does not find the path. Mine have been moved to a "Data" folder for easier syncing between desktop and notebook.

    You get the standard dialog box:

    UPDATE: Rebooted the remote machine and I was able to do file transfers.
  • How to Sign Up Photo Step by Step
    I'm just now starting to experiment with Remote Assistant.

    I just clicked on the I do not have an activation code and entered my email address. Is there an advantage to going the Offline route?
  • Feature requests
    Is there a public list of Feature Requests?

    It may stop some of us that are just starting to read about Remote Access from putting in the same request.

    AND.... It will allow us to see those request we also think are very important and add our vote so you guys also realize the users feel they're important. A public list would also allow you to expand upon one persons request to make it even an even more powerful feature.