
  • Help Setting Up Cloud and Local Backups
    For now, I will take care of the local backups. Then I will look at my cloud backup and decide whether I want to convert it to the New Backup Format. Thank you!
  • Help Setting Up Cloud and Local Backups
    Thank you for your response! I can start fresh with my local backups and change them over to the New Backup Format. Using the New Format, I would set up incremental backups (daily) and then a full backup at a specified interval (Default is monthly). What is a reasonable interval for a full backup and a, Keep Backup For, time period without enabling GFS? To help answer this, a full backup uses just slightly more than half of the storage space for one of my local backups and about 1/4 of the storage space on the other local backup (I utilize two local backups plus one cloud backup).

    The cloud backup (I use Google Cloud Platform) is done using legacy mode because I set it up many years ago before the new backup format was available. Can this be changed over without rewriting the whole backup which would take a long time to upload and additional expense?

    Again, thank you for the help!
