• How to Restore to Azure VM
    HyperV replication is what we use for clients that need fast recovery from major, non-Disaster events.
    We keep the old server when upgrading and make it the replica.
    Other MSP’s rely on Datto-type devices to spin up virtual machines on prem.
    Neither of these approaches help in a true Disaster where the client equipment and/or site is unusable for whatever reason.
    For that we rely on a spare server in our office that can quickly download the client’s image/vhdx file(s), or we spin-up a Ramnode hosted instance and do the recovery from there. We tell clients that in a true disaster scenario, we will aim to have core systems up and running in less than 24 hours from the time a disaster is declared, with data from the previous backup.
  • How to Restore to Azure VM
    We spun up a Ramnode instance and did a VHDx restore from Google Nearline. We achieved an average download speed roughly equivalent to a local USB drive - around 20MB/sec, 1.2 GB/minute. At that rate, a 100GB restore would take about 1.5 hours.
    Your mileage may vary.
  • Bad Gateway and 3015 internal storage error
    I am told by support that they have fixed the new Access/Refresh token authorization system. So far today have not received any more of these errors.
  • Issues with Cloud Backups
    Everyone’s requirements and preferences are different, but I can share with you what we do for clients with slow upstream connection speed ( anything under 15mbps).
    We send nightly legacy-format file backups to the local hard drive, and also to Amazon (ZIA).
    We keep the local file backups for a year and the cloud backups for three months.
    We also do weekly new format Image or VHDx backups, using the synthetic full feature which speeds up the weekly backup considerably. Once you complete the first full backup, the subsequent synthetic fulls take 1/6 the time on average.
    Wasabi, BackBlaze and Amazon support synthetic fulls.
    We do legacy format local image/VHDx backups to the USB drive, a full each week or month, and incrementals each night.
    We also do a separate local file backup and call it “recent files”. This runs every couple of hours during the workday to provide intra-day recovery, but we only keep these files for a month or so.
    New backup format is the way to go for all cloud Image or VHDx backups, but for everything else, we use the legacy format as it utilizes far less space in the cloud.
    Hope this helps.
  • Adding a new storage to multiple companies
    When you create a new storage destination, you can choose what companies get access to it, but I do not know of a way to assign an existing destination to multiple companies.
  • image restore verification
    Did you select a new format backup? It does not work with legacy format plans. Once you select the new format, each plan will have a panel where you can select restore verification.
  • Legacy and new format backup
    You are correct about the lifecycle policy behavior, I was asking if MSP360 backups would recognize the contents of the cbl files , old versions and all, such that I could “seed” 90 days worth of backups to the cloud that were originally on the local drive.
  • Legacy and new format backup
    They are anywhere from 3-17GB each.
    So this leads to my next question:
    Lets say i have files with 90 days worth of versions backed up in these CBL files (new format) on my local drive. If i were to copy those files to Amazon using CB Explorer into the appropriate MBS-xxxxx folder, would a subsequent repo sync see them and allow me to "continue on" with a new format Cloud Backup?
    Assuming that it would work, if i were to then use Bucket Lifecycle management to migrate CBL files to a lower tier of cloud storage, would every file contained in the CBL have to match the aging criteria?
    Or is there some intelligence as to what gets put into each CBL file?
  • Legacy and new format backup
    Thanks David. I will do a test tomorrow.
  • Immutable Backups
    The strategy we use to protect our local backups.
    - Put the backup USB HD on the hyperV host and then share it out to the guest VM’s.
    - Use a different admin password on the hyperV than is used on the guest VM’s ( in case someone gets into the file server guest vm where all of the data resides).
    - Do not map drives to the backup drive.
    - Use the agent console password protection feature including protecting the CLI).
    - Turn off the ability to delete backup data and modify plans from the agent console ( company: custom options). You can always turn it on/ back off as necessary to do modifications.)
    - Encrypt the local backups as well somthat if someone walks off with the drive it ismof no use to them.
    We also do image/ VHDx backups to the cloud and file backups to not one, but two different public cloud platforms.
  • 3-2-1 with the new backup format
    In a word, yes. It is a safe and effective way. It allows for flexibility in retention and in file format.
  • File Server best practices
    Couple of questions:
    - Where are you sending the backups to?
    - What are the ISP uplink speeds of your clients?
    - Are you using the HyperV version of the software? Or just using the file backup version?

    We have several clients with large data-vhdx files. We run weekly synthetic fulls to Backblaze B2 and incrementals the other six nights.
    The synthetic fulls take at most 10-12 hrs over the weekend. The incrementals are fast (1-2 hrs.)
    But we have two clients with large data files and painfully slow upload speeds (5 mbps). For those it is simply not feasible to complete even a weekly backup over the weekend. We de-select the data vhdx for those clients.
    Doing synthetic fulls each week will reduce the amount of time it takes as there are fewer changed blocks to upload compared to once per month.
    We have been pushing clients to uplaod to higher speed plans/ fiber as it makes disaster recovery. Lot faster when we can essentially bring back their entire system from the previous day in one set of (large) VHDx restores.
    If slow uplinks are the issue and they cannot be increased to say 25 up, then only upload the non- data VHDx’s to the cloud and rely on the file- level ( old format) for data recovery. I trust that you are doing file-level backups to tne cloud anyway so as to have 30/90 days version/ deleted file retention.
  • Legacy and new format backup
    David- Great write-up explaining the differences. Can you help me get a feel for the reduction in object count using the new format? I use Amazon lifecycle mgmt to move files from S3 to Archive after 120 days ( the files that do not get purged after my 90 day retention expires). However, the cost of the API calls makes that a bad strategy for customers with lots of very small files ( I’m talking a million files that take up 200GB total). If I were to reupload the files in the new format to Amazon and do a weekly synthetic full, ( such that I only have two fulls for a day or so then back to one), would the objects be significantly larger such that the Glacier migration would be cost-effective?
  • Connection error Code: 1056
    Since upgrading to the release I have had seven machines give me license errors or "an unexpected error has occurred". I worked around the license errors by switching, then switching back, the license type. Just installed the .109 release and it fixed the unexpected error issue.
  • Google Storage Price Increase
    In any event, I am offering free consultation regarding backend storage cost as I am familiar with and use Wasabi, BackBlaze, Google, and Amazon.
  • Google Storage Price Increase
    Thanks David,
    My understanding is that the suspension of the transfer fees only applies to the bulk data conversion from another backend platform . Not sure why anybody would want to do that given the much lower cost of Wasabi and Backblaze.
    I suspect very few people use Google, and in this case that’s a good thing. I just wonder how many people are using standard Amazon S3 for backups, instead of one zone IA - $.023 vs .$01.
  • New Backup Format - Size comparison on the bucket vs legacy
    We design our systems to have a hypervisor and a separate VHDx disk for the DC and two vhdx disks for the File server- one with the OS (C:) and the other with the data (D:).
    Using the new format, we do nightly incrementals and weekly synthetic fulls of all VHDx on a given server to BackBlaze B2 ( not BB S3 as it does not support synthetic backups.) BackBlaze is half the cost of the cheapest (viable) Amazon price.
    We also do legacy format file backups locally, and to a separate Cloud provider ( Google Nearline or Wasabi).
    So a complete system restore in a disaster situation requires only that we restore the VHDx files, which is a lot faster than restoring the files individually. A synthetic full backup of a 2TB data vhdx file can be completed in 12- 15 hours each weekend - depending on your upload speed and the data change rate. The incrementals run in five hours tops each night.
    So I suggest local ( one year retention- not guaranteed) and cloud legacy individual file backups ( 90 day retention guaranteed) for operational recovery, and new format VHDx/ Image backups for DR. We keep only the most recent full VHDx files and any subsequent incrementals. Each week we start a new set and the previous week’s set gets purged.
  • Tracking deleted objects
    It’s more of a nice to have, To be able to see which files are going to get purged once the retention period for deleted files is reached.
    the bigger issue is the one where we are required to restore all files that are flagged as deleted if we select” restore deleted files”.
    We keep two years of deleted files on local storage so it would be nice to have a setting where we could specify “restore deleted files deleted before or after a specific date.
  • New Backup Format - Size comparison on the bucket vs legacy
    We use legacy format for file backups. It is incremental forever. No need to keep multiple "full" copies such as is required with the new format.
    We use the new format exclusively for Disaster Recovery VHDx and Image backups. Now that we can keep a single version of the image/VHDx in the cloud, it has worked out great. We do daily incremental and weeky synthetic fulls to Backblaze which does not have a minimum renention period.
    It makes zero sense to go with the new format for file backups unless you are required to keep say an Annual full, a Quarterly ful, etc. We have no such requirement.
  • Tracking deleted objects
    For troubleshootng purposes, we would like to be able to see which files were deleted on any given day from the source. A report that shows files/folders deleted on a particular client machine on a certain day or range of dates would be great.
    Does the backup storage tab have a different icon or a flag that shows a file/folder has been deleted?
    Would be nice to get ahead of large accidental file/folder deletions rather than waiting foer the cient to realize a file/folder is missing.
    And on a somewhat related note, has there been any progress on the true point in time restore model that we discussed a while back?