• Windows 11 Compatability
    Excellent. Thanks.
  • Restore to Azure
    Please advise if you find an answer to this.
  • Backblaze Synthetic Full
    That is significant reduction in time to create the synthetic full backup. I presume that this is when using the new backup format, is that correct?
  • MSP360 Managed Backup 5.2 with New Backup Format, GFS, Restore Verification and more
    Is there a way to see what files were uploaded and file size that was uploaded in the course of a New Backup Format synthetic backup? I too am seeing a large amount of data uploaded by some computers that don't have much new file creation or file changes daily. Knowing the what is taking bandwidth and storage might help me optimize what might be excluded from the backup.
  • Retention Policy Question

    Thank you Steve and David, this is all very helpful.
    However, the option to "Always keep the last version" only exists in the File Level backup plans, and not in Image Based plans. Is it by default set to keep the last version in Image backups?

    For the record, I am using both and, and both versions are configured this way.
  • Retention Policy Question
    So would it be correct to say that MSP360 will purge the backups based on which option results in fewer versions?

    Also, if we were to set the "# of versions" to 1, would that literally only keep a single version of all files, even if it were also set to keep versions for a full 30 days?

    If we had a file that was older than one month, but had not been deleted, and we left the "# of versions" unchecked, would this file still be saved despite its age?

    I apologize for all the questions. Yet we haven't found very detailed documentation on the various retention policy options and how they interact. Is there some documentation that defines options?
    Thank you once again for your assistance.
  • Retention Policy Question
    Thank you, I believe I understand your first answer.

    2. That makes sense that it is an OR condition, but are you saying that backups are kept based on whichever is greater (i.e., whichever option results in more backup versions)? Or would they be kept based on whichever resulted in fewer backup versions?

    As an example, say that I set my backups to delete versions older than 1 month, and to keep 45 versions of each file.
    Would MSP360 purge my backups after:
    a) 30 days, since this is likely to come first?
    b) I had accumulated 45 file versions, since this is likely to come second?

    Since this is an OR condition, I am trying to understand under what circumstances would one of these options take precedence over the other when they conflict. Hopefully I am being clear. I am attempting to reach back to what I remember from a high school Logic class, and as you see the results are mixed.
  • Retention Policy Question
    Thank you for your response Steve. If you don't mind, I have some clarifying questions to help me better understand how this works.
    1. It sounds like you are saying that the time needed for backups to "age" to 90 days is affected by the frequency of the full/incremental backups--is this right? Does running a full/incremental backup trigger the purge of files older than 90 days?
    2. If we have both the "# of versions" and "older than" options enabled, will MSP360 keep the maximum number of versions/days? In other words, will MSP360 acquiesce to the "# of versions" option if it allows for a greater number of versions than the "delete older than" option allows?
    Thank you for your assistance!
  • File and Folder - Confused About Chained Backups
    You might want to submit a ticket on this. Sometimes these issues can get a bit confusing.
  • New Version - Backup Agent 7.2 for Windows
    Started a new Image Based Full backup using the new backup format. This full backup will take many days to complete. Does anyone know if the backup were to get interrupted, will the backup pick-up from where it left off or will it need to run again from the beginning when it restarts?
  • New Version - Backup Agent 7.2 for Windows
    Do you know if Remote Deploy will in the future support the new backup format?
  • New Version - Backup Agent 7.2 for Windows
    Do you know if the Management Console will in the future be able to create or edit the new backup format?
  • Using NTLMv1 with Synology NAS DSM 7.0
    Thank you Sergey, logs have been sent to that ticket number.
  • BitLocker Best Practice Question
    Thank you David, this is very helpful.
  • Using SentinelOne Antivirus with MSP360
    Thank you! I've sent the logs now.
  • Using SentinelOne Antivirus with MSP360
    It's reporting it as a threat--though we have experienced false positives before, especially pertaining to MSP360 components.
    The following threat indicators are given:

    Internal process resource was manipulated in memory.
    Attempt to evade monitoring using the Process hollowing technique.

    Shellcode execution was detected.

    Privilege Escalation
    Suspicious Kerberoasting attack. Too many SPN tickets requests.

    User logged on.
  • confused about how to restore
    We have done this in testing and each time we have it has worked. I think that we used Rufus to prepare the USB boot drive. Are you selecting the USB boot drive from the computer's BIOS when trying to boot from the MSP360 USB drive?
  • Removing Data from Wasabi Backup
    @David Gugick David,
    Were you able to find out how to tell which folder is the in-use folder in this scenario where there are two backup folders on Wasabi for the same computer?

    Thank you.