• Code 2500
    This still isn't fixed. I have 17 backups running right now that will show this error. What's the point of running this type of backup if the S3 storage provider has an issue sometime and now 17 computers will have to run a fresh full backup? It doesn't even delete the previous backup either so I have to manually go into Cloudberry Explorer and delete the previous backups. Do I need to look at another provider for backups?
  • Maintenance
    So are we supposed to not run backups during this window? I had 27 backup failures last night. That's not a normal.
  • Code 2500
    This is still happening with the newest update. I have multiple laptops and desktops from different customers that are currently running full backups right now as I type this. This isn't acceptable. You need to come up with a solution that allows the user to decide if a full backup should be completed. I would rather lose the incremental backups then lose the full backup.
  • Code 2500
    This has happened on multiple workstations and laptops. It's a generic error. I understand the reason. I just want to have the option to lose some incremental backups versus having to make another full backup in the even that one of the incrementals fail.
  • Maintenance
    It is failing during your maintenance windows. Not all but a good deal will. I can bet you during your "Maintenance" tonight I will have a good deal of failures.

    I will get the message

    An error occurred (code: 1003)
    The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.

    I just checked. It happened on the 13th. Not every workstation. This also happened on local backups.
  • Backup stuck
    Is there a way to change the service account user without manually going into the program on the customer computer?
  • Backup stuck
    I didn't get a ticket. I tried submitting but never got a response.

    The issue has come back though. It appears that it came back after running the latest update for MSP360 Backup. One is a brand new laptop but the customer previous laptop had the same issue. I wonder if I have to login and do the same process again after each update.
  • Backup stuck
    Yes. I submitted a ticket but never heard anything back.

    I did further research and the issue happens is resolved after doing this in the article. What I don't understand is why only certain computers are affected.

  • Backup stuck
    As a follow up. I ended up having to open processes and closing cbb's that were running. That stopped the plan. Obviously I don't want to have to do that on a regular basis.
  • Device not ready
    I completely removed and reinstalled newest workstation agent on one computer. It still failed. I ended up installing . on each workstation. All the backups completed without issue.
  • Device not ready
    I submitted ticket to support. They came back with some IO issues. I uninstalled and installed and older version. That ran the backup with no issue. Disappointing that I had to go back to older software to get this to work.
  • decryption password is not correct
    Is there a fix for this yet?
  • Cannot run the backup plan.
    Fixed issue by stopping Cloudberry backup service for at least 30 seconds. Tried this before but I immediately stopped and started the service. Waiting was the key.
  • Password not specified
    Talk to support who basically asked me to get extensive logs. Insane that I have to open the actual program to do this. I ended up opening the program which prompted for the new password? Why is this not in the portal to make the change?
  • Restore verification
    I did. They want me to get on server. Go get extended logs. I don't understand this company. You keep diving into RMM and Remote Desktop yet your core product still has extensive issues. I shouldn't have to get on any computer to get extensive logs. Every ticket I've submitted is asking for more logs. How do you not have a way to get logs without getting on the actual computer itself?
  • Password not specified
    It's the latest version
  • Beyond frustrated
    I'm still confused.

    I want two weeks of backups. So 14 days. What options need to be checked. If I need a full backup between that's fine. At the very least I want a set of 7 days.

    Even with Acronis you can set 2 weeks of backups. It will always have a minimum of 1 full set(1 full 6 incremental) then it starts a new chain. Can we even set up 360 do to this?
  • Beyond frustrated
    This is a picture from Veeam backup agent.


    I set it for 12 days and it has possible option to create full backups on a certain date.

    When I look at the backup folder there is a full backup and 12 incrementals. It's like this on a constant basis. Acronis is like this too. So is Macrium. I can't understand why your backup system is so complex for just workstation backups. It's maddening.
  • Beyond frustrated
    An initial full backup completes. Then incremental backups start. This is the screen behind. If you set incremental as the backup then what's the point of setting a retention on the next page?
