I have installed RA on a Windows 10 PC that I will use to access another PC (as well as be accessed by a laptop). The other PC that I want to access (control) is a Windows Server 2008 R2 setup. I installed RA (or tried to) on that PC, but the install never completes. It looks like it was close to done (compared to the install on the Win10 PC). The install process stops on the last command (I think) in the install process. There is a pop-up on the Windows desktop (that I didn't get when installing on the Win10 PC) and it never opened the browser "Thank You" window that the install on the Win10 PC did.
I end up having to terminate the install with Task Manager. The "Remote Assistant" folder and files are copied to the "Program Files" folder, and if I try to run the "Remote Assistant" program, it opens that pop-up window again...and that is all it does.
If it should work on WinServer 2008, could it have something to do with the fact that, while doing all this, I am accessing this PC via another "remote control" application (LiteManager)? Could it be interfering with something?
This is a really interesting situation so we will require a lot of info. First of all to avoid putting your personal info into public forum let's move into the ticket:
1) Please check the Event logs on the Win2008 machine and make an export after the installation
2) Send them to support@cloudberrylab.com with a note - for Sergey N.