• parisslim
    I'm evaluating CloudBerry Backup on an iMac. Currently I set up AWS S3 storage and am watching how this works. I want to try Google storage as well, but I can't find any reference to using Google Drive -- maybe it's "coming soon"? So I tried to set up Google CLoud Storage but I was stumped by the request for a p12 key file.

    How does one get that? I searched the Google API docs, but I still have not found the answer to that one thing.
  • Gleb
    Hi . We recommend using Google Cloud Storage, it is far better in terms of data safety and availability, and it proved to provide better experience to our customers in Backup for Windows.
    Google Drive is not supported in CloudBerry Backup for Mac. It is a consumer-grade storage and we are making a business-grade solution (which later we might expand to satisfy the consumer too). Sorry, that's just not our priority at this point.
  • parisslim
    And my question about getting the,p12 file? I have an account and a user but I don't see where the get the key file.

    CloudBerry Backup Pro
  • Gleb
    check out this article, it's based on the Windows version but the Google Cloud part is the same: https://help.cloudberrylab.com/cloudberry-backup/signing-up-for-the-cloud/google-cloud/signing-up-for-google
  • parisslim
    Thanks, I will try that! Google's doc is incomprehensible. I know it's for advanced programming, but I hoped CloudBerry had a step by step for just using it with Google Cloud. Looks like I guessed right. Will let you know if there's any differences.

    Thanks again!
  • parisslim
    It all appeared to go fine. However upon a run, after a few seconds it stops, and I get
    "your backup plan Backup 21/09 Google COMPLETED WITH WARNINGS, please see below for more details.

    ERROR: I dont know this error type"

    Is that a Google error or CloudBerry?
  • Gleb
    That's a CloudBerry error. Please use Feedback menu in the top panel to send the diagnostics - it will automatically open a support ticket.
  • Mike Jensen
    Do I understand from above that there is no support for just a Google drive? I understand the difference from consumer vs. business grade, but I'd like the choice. You mention that Google Cloud Storage is recommended, but is it required? Right now I don't see a way to just log into a google drive. I'd like to know if I'm missing something or if this was removed (as I saw it on earlier versions of documentation)

  • BillH

    I went thru the same process when I evaluated Cloudberry and I opted to use BackBlaze as my cloud storage provider. BackBlaze offers you 10GB of storage for free and they only charge you if you exceed that amount. If you do exceed the 10 GB the amount they charge is insanely low. In addition Cloudberry works really well with this storage provider as I get encryption and versioning of my backups.
  • Mike Jensen
    Thanks, Bill, I'll check it out.

    I trust the answer about this is 'no, we don't allow Google drive' :-)
  • Gleb
    Mike, yes, this is correct in our Backup for Mac.
  • Lawrence Calabrese
    Does this apply to linux servers as well? I have unlimited Google Drive storage and would like to take advantage
  • Sergey N

    Hello Lawrence,

    That is correct, i have added your request to an already existing one. Thank you.
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