Is there any way how to launch RA against specific remote machine, with "Connect to" form field prefilled? It would be nice to have an option to create KeePass entries and then simply doubleclick the entry and open RA window with correct remote machine ID.
, we are going to publish an update in a week or so that can do something similar. We've chosen to make a CLI to RA. I believe KeePass can handle this?
The syntax will be as follows
The syntax will be as follows
> "CloudBerry Remote Assistant.exe" activateLicense -e -f
This will activate a freeware license for the email address given.
> "CloudBerry Remote Assistant.exe" configGeneralAccess
This will generate a link for attended (or "general") access
> "CloudBerry Remote Assistant.exe" configUnattendedAccess
This will enable encryption and unattended access and generate a long link, you will probably need to save it on your side somewhere; the link includes all the parameters at once.
Executing the command multiple times does not re-generate the encryption key.
> "CloudBerry Remote Assistant.exe" "$link"
This will establish connection with the given link (it can work with attended access as well); make sure to keep the link "in the quotes" to escape the slash characters it contains.
Generally, to connect from machine B to machine A you would run "CloudBerry Remote Assistant.exe" configUnattendedAccess on the machine A, then "CloudBerry Remote Assistant.exe" "$link" on the machine B.
Hello Gleb
it's good news. CLI version would solve KeePass usage immediately and I believe it would help with Devolutions RDM integration as well (reported in a different topic).
Ok, I tried to launch '"CloudBerry Remote Assistant.exe" configUnattendedAccess' remotely on a workstation with already updated CBRA. I tried it for the first time as a user without admin permissions. It doesn't work. My CBRA connection was disconnected immediately.
After that I tried to launch CMD as Administrator. I was disconnected because of UAC.
After that I logged in as a local administrator and launched '"CloudBerry Remote Assistant.exe" configUnattendedAccess' again. I was disconnected but after I re-connected with the same local administrator I was finally able to copy output "extra://..." string.
I was able to create custom field named "unattendedlink" in my KeePass and used the following URL in this KeePass entry:
cmd://"%ProgramFiles%\CloudBerryLab\CloudBerry Remote Assistant\CloudBerry Remote Assistant.exe" "{S:unattendedlink}"
Now I am able to select KeePass entry, press CTRL+U and CBRA is automatically launched and connected to the remote computer. CBRA must not be running before (which was expected).