Does anyone out there have tried and tested solution,.. on how-to backup an active pst file of windows outlook running in a VBox client.
CBB is running in the native Ubuntu 18.04,.. Whilst the VBox client Running Windows10 has its 'Document' and Outlook files located on a shared native Ubuntu drive. ( so the PST files are not within the actual VBox Win10 file-system ).
Hope that makes sense.
. Ubuntu (and AFAIK any other Linux distro) doesn't have a snapshot mechanism and cannot use VSS.
What might help in your case is to pause the VM, copy the .pst elsewhere on the disk, un-pause the VM and then casually back up the .pst file.
Please give it a try - once, manually - and let me know whether this works for you.
There's a feature we are going to add in a couple of months that would help to automate this, I'd just like to understand whether this is the solution for you or not
HI Gleb,.. Tx for the feedback,.. Yes,.. your manual process does seem to work... Pause the VBox m/c,.. copying the files within Linux.. to /tmp... then backing the /tmp pst file just copied...
Copying the pst files directly still fails.. which I don't really understand why... I guess there is some sort of file locking going on...