The current download location for the Remote Assistant Quick Support .exe is pretty difficult to direct someone to over the phone (currently 4 pages & 5 clicks), so it's easier to send them an email with the link in it, which isn't ideal.
Having a dedicated quick something like '' would be awesome.
I've read the discussion regarding the potential issues linking directly to the .exe file itself, but this could be a page with a 'download' button which links off to the latest file location.
A simple, clear page with one large, green 'DOWNLOAD' button would be ideal.
This is easy to setup and would make providing remote support so much easier.
Please show your support for this idea by participating in the poll attached to this discussion.
Would a short URL linking to a dedicated download page for the Quick Support .exe file be useful? (4 votes)
Hell yeah, bring it on!!
No, I love talking remote clients through complex web navigation...