Trying to copy or move files from one folder to another under the same bucket on Backblaze, and I keep getting the error 'Value cannot be null. Parameter name:sourceField'. Also noticed in the log that it's having problems getting the size of files?
I have a suspicion this has to do with the folder names having spaces in them.
Any help is appreciated!
2022-01-02 09:06:13,801 [UI] [1] NOTICE - Explorer started. Version:
2022-01-02 09:06:16,105 [CL] [4] ERROR - Size is unknown for TLGBACKUP1/CBB_SERVER1/E$/SQL Backup/143A6F8617286442-140-140.mrbak
2022-01-02 09:06:16,105 [CL] [4] ERROR - Failed to get sourcefile size
Unknown file size
at pW.He()
at NC.get_Size()
2022-01-02 09:06:16,234 [CL] [4] ERROR - Size is unknown for TLGBACKUP1/CBB_SERVER1/E$/SQL Backup/143A6F8617286442-140-140.mrbak
2022-01-02 09:06:16,234 [CL] [4] ERROR - Failed to get sourcefile size
Unknown file size
at pW.He()
at NC.get_Size()
2022-01-02 09:06:42,225 [CL] [5] ERROR - Command::Run failed:
Copy; Source:TLGBACKUP1/CBB_SERVER1/E$/SQL Backup/143A6F8617286442-00-00.mrbak; Destination:Archive_010222
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: sourceFileId
at pR.A(String , String , String , LL )
at QG.Bx(pL , String , LL )
at pF.RunInternal()
2022-01-02 09:08:28,628 [CL] [17] ERROR - Command::Run failed:
Move; Source:TLGBACKUP1/CBB_SERVER1/E$/SQL Backup/143A6F8617286442-138-138.mrbak; Destination:Archive_010222
System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: sourceFileId
at pR.A(String , String , String , LL )
at QG.Bx(pL , String , LL )
at pW.BR(pL , String , NB )
at Rt.RunInternal()
I would open a Support case. I am unaware of any limitations on object names. You could try a test on a folder without a space and see if that has the same issue. As an alternative, you can copy the object locally and then back to the new B2 folder.
Thanks for the update. I'm glad you are able to resolve it on your own. I will note the fix you posted in my brain in case anyone else runs into this particular issue.
So after talking to Backblaze, they said there is no way to move data inside the same bucket. So this explains why nothing works, or only sort of works.
Moving data in the cloud is really a copy / delete operation. Objects in the cloud are stored in a flat file structure with path names as a part of the object name. Tools like Explorer can render with the appearance of folders, but folders are just objects. You can try and copy and delete instead but it will require the data move to the client first and then back to the cloud. I do not think there is a way to facilitate the "move" from within the cloud itself, but I could be wrong. You can check whatever web interface for B2 that Backblaze supplies and see if copy operations can be managed from within the cloud without any data egress.