Please explain *CloudBerry Backup completed with warnings* mail Hi Jan,
For #1: The "Warning. One or more backup paths don't exist" comes up if specified path that is listed as a "Backup source" does not exist. In your example (if I set the backup to process folder F and all its subfolders F1, F2,... , I don't want warnings if I delete F2 locally), you won't have warnings. However, if you delete the root folder (F), you surely will get the warning.
You can use "Generate detailed report" option on the Notification step of the Backup Wizard to get the details.
For #2: this is just a note, not an error. Just to make sure you are aware of that.
For #3: I would say it depends on the case - some customers don't want to know the details like that, other would lie to and it helps to reconsider the backup schedule, for example, or preventing other apps to use those files at a particular time (as an example).
Thank you for your suggestion - I agree that the #1 is better to have the "warning" only.
Please let me know if you have any questions.