Backup to Backblaze stopped Well it keeps happening. I submitted a support request. I also figured out how to get the logs and see a lot of:
2021-09-09 10:32:48,330 [CL] [10] WARN - Generating chunks is idle for 675 minutes. Next chunk: 3. Object: xxxx
2021-09-09 10:33:18,036 [CL] [36] ERROR - On chunk finish. Cnunk info: Status:Cancelled Number:2 Length:1048576000 IsLast:False Offset:1048576000, Exception: CloudBerryLab.Client.Chunks.NotAllChunksUploadedException: Not all chunks were uploaded. False
Unable to write data to the transport connection: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine.
No disk errors in the Windows event log.
The other log for the S3 plan, goes back to 2018 and I don't see anything like the above.
What sort of erks me is the program doesn't stop with some message that there's a problem. It just.. stops and sits there like it's still doing the backup. This is all just to test Blackblaze and so far it's not looking good.